2014 Copper Kettle


Karl Freienmuth

TVWBB Member
Has anyone seen the new Copper/Crimson 2014 additions with their own eyes?
Someone, somewhere mentioned the new 2014 colors are more of a flat/dull finish,
not the bright/shiny were accustomed to.
Bright & Shiny beats flat & dull.
I'd like the Copper, but if it isn't shiny I may pass.
Thx :)
Do you live near Lowes? They should have them on the show floor. I've seen it and I would say they're more satin finish. Definitely not glossy and definitely not flat. But then again, I like satin more than gloss.
Here's a pic that I took when I was at Lowes the other day.

Yes, I'm near Lowe's. I'll stop by when I have a chance and have a look.
2 weeks ago, Lowe's didn't have them on display around here. Thus the question
I saw a copper one at the local grill/hardware dealer. It is a flatter finish, more of a satin I would say. Also, there was some imperfections in the finish. It's hard to describe, but there was a small area of what would be orange peel if it were paint.
I stopped at a nearby Lowe's this morning. They indeed had the Copper Performer & 22.5" OTG on display.
It was more of a Satin Copper finish. It does stand out from the crowd. The copper color is close to the copper gassers.
I noticed imperfections in the display models around the vent holes. Looked like a pinhead sized bubble exploded.
The Performer tag also said "Plat Copper Grill". LOL
What's Plat??
I bought one from Home Depot online and had it shipped to the store. It is definitely a dull finish. Mine arrived chipped and missing the handles and thermometer. I returned it for a refund. I'm not a fan of the new finish.

howdy. I bought a copper OTG two weeks ago and i am very pleased with the shiny finish. the pic here is a great representation - better than the weber website image. go ahead - get you one and smoke it in soon.

don't lift the lid-

