2001 Genesis silver C rehab/restore Questions

I would not recommend painting the inside of the cook box, just coat it with oil, like you indicated. In case it hasn't been mentioned, do not paint the outside of the lid as well, except for the end caps.

I'm still finishing a restoration of same grill, based on your description. One thing I discovered is that the flavorizer bars are different than the common ones you can find at HD or Lowes. If you decide to replace them, make sure to check out the schematics on the Weber website.
Morning Dave!
Wanted to let you know I went to Harbor Freight yesterday, my first time ever! What a little wonder world that place is, WOW! I picked up the angle grinder, and a few disks, and a package of different wire brush wheels for my drill, and some socket extensions to help get the bolts inside the cookbox loose so I can remove the burners on the NG cookbox, as someone tightened them down instead of sliding the burner ends underneath them.
While looking around the store, I ran into a old coworker and we started shooting the breeze, and he asked me what I was buying tools for. I went on to tell him I recused 2 old weber's from a mutual coworker, and this guy just rolled his eyes, as he knows the guy I got grills from is a junk collector. He then proceeded to ask me questions about my retirement and if my pension was paying like we all hoped it would while working...I explained that I do fine, and no complaints, and he hit me with a bombshell.."Mary, do you need money to buy a new grill?" I proclaimed NO...I want to rehab this grill, it's giving me something to do, I'm totally enjoying myself!
A little back story here: when I was working, there was only 3 woman in my division. I was the cook for about 50 guys.
Our crew room had a kitchen, and outside of it a patio area with a Weber Summit. Once a week, I would cook a lunch meal for everyone.. and on my 45th birthday, I was given a Kirkland SS huge grill comparable to a summit from the guys. They named it the " Menopause 2000". They delivered it to my house and put it together on my enclosed deck. Funny, at the time no one thought about about that when built, it would not fit through the door way, to go on the patio! I've used it twice on the deck, inviting the crew over for 4th of July party, and again for a Labor Day party for them... cleaned it up both times, spotless and back to new. That's all she's ever been used in 11 years. She sits on my enclosed deck and looks good, only because I'm afraid she will catch my carpeted enclosed deck on catch fire or carbon monoxide poisoning will take me out.
So she just sits, looking all pretty, and waits for either the Pope to come over for dinner, or the second coming
of Christ.
Now, back to Harbor Freight..
I paid for my stuff, and was walking to my truck, and this guy approached me saying he heard me talking to the guy about re-habing a Weber grill, and asked me if I wanted a nice hood to a Weber, as he was on his way to the dump and he had it with him...so I walked over to his trailer and he had a nice green genesis hood, not like I needed another green hood, but I took it... and I also scored a couple 3 marble slab counter tops, that he said were cut too short and too narrow!
SCORE!!! They looked to be the perfect size for my cart table I plan on making with the NG cart!
So THANK YOU for telling me about Harbor Freight, had you not mentioned Harbor, I would have gone to Sears, where I always buy my tools, and missed out on the marble slabs!
After I finish my cup of coffee, I'm headed out to the yard to start painting my first coat of paint!
Thank you again for walking me thru this project!

Good Morning Robert!
Thank you for the heads up... I knew about not painting the inside or outside of the hood, but I have seen pics of the inside of the cookbox painted, and questioned it...DaveW set me straight.
I ordered the flavor bars from RCplanebuyer on eBay, as I read he makes the best and they will last forever.
I also plan to buy his SS grill, but have not ordered as of yet, because I have 2 sets already, and the porcelain enamel ones looked hardly used at all, so will clean them up and use those, till I order the RC ones.
Where are you at in the restore project?
I'm going to start painting this morning and put on second coat tomorrow morning.. then start putting the old girl back together!

Hey Guys, I have another question...

If I considered rehabbing in NG and converted it into a LP, would I have to buy a new manifold from Weber because it has a side burner, or could I get away with buying a 3 burner on Craigslist for $45. without a side burner, and rob that manifold instead of paying Weber $104 bucks?
I have taken closer look at the NG, which I was going to make into a cart, but that girl has 2 swing up plastic tables, one on either end, along with the side burner! So do I need a LP manifold that accommodates a side burner??
BTW, this always happens to me.. I always seem to make more work and bigger expense for myself, never fails!
As far as the LP restore, it's coming along nicely..I decided to go with the blue hood for about an hour until I got it all cleaned up and the inside down to painted metal ( gotta love that simple green, it worked better than the oven cleaner on the cook box!) I got the hood/lid mounted and realized there is a thumb print size indentation on the top! Crap! But on further inspection, the paint is not chipped or cracking, so I wonder if it will pop out once the grill is heated. Any thoughts?
It's not the end of the world, as I have 2 more green hoods/lids and I can clean up one of those and use if I become so anal it keeps me up at night..
Any thoughts?

Hey Guys, I have another question...

If I considered rehabbing in NG and converted it into a LP, would I have to buy a new manifold from Weber because it has a side burner, or could I get away with buying a 3 burner on Craigslist for $45. without a side burner, and rob that manifold instead of paying Weber $104 bucks?
I have taken closer look at the NG, which I was going to make into a cart, but that girl has 2 swing up plastic tables, one on either end, along with the side burner! So do I need a LP manifold that accommodates a side burner??
BTW, this always happens to me.. I always seem to make more work and bigger expense for myself, never fails!
As far as the LP restore, it's coming along nicely..I decided to go with the blue hood for about an hour until I got it all cleaned up and the inside down to painted metal ( gotta love that simple green, it worked better than the oven cleaner on the cook box!) I got the hood/lid mounted and realized there is a thumb print size indentation on the top! Crap! But on further inspection, the paint is not chipped or cracking, so I wonder if it will pop out once the grill is heated. Any thoughts?
It's not the end of the world, as I have 2 more green hoods/lids and I can clean up one of those and use if I become so anal it keeps me up at night..
Any thoughts?



Conversions from NG to LP have gotten complicated with Weber as they require a serial number and will only sell you a manifold that matches, i.e. if your serial number is for an LP, that is all they will sell you. Online parts stores like ereplacementparts will sell you whatever you want. Instead of replacing the manifold, some opt to only replace the orifices and there are some online retailers who sell those as well.

All that said, I'm really not sure what has to be done wrt the side burners.
Hi Dave!
I could get a LP manifold from Weber as the one I am restoring is registered to me...But, I don't want to play around with changing out orifices or even mess around with something I have no clue about. So I guess it back to plan A, I'll tear it down and make a rolling table out of it. My LP restore should be finished tomorrow. All is painted and it's half put back together, I'm hoping the igniters will be here tomorrow as well. I ordered them from from Amazon last Friday, along with the warming rack and the basket and a new drip tray assembly. Once finished, I'll sit down and figure out how to post pictures..
Thank you again for all your help..

All the side burner requires is a properly sized orifice. BTW blank orifices are readily available online or at any heating supply store. Many of the stores will even size them for you if you tell them how they're being used. It really is very easy.
LMichaels, Here I thought I'd just go with plan A and make the NG cart into a nice table, and now you tell me about this other option!!! :-)
So before I change my mind yet again, are you telling me I could probably go down to the appliance / heating supply parts place right down the road from me with my NG manifold and my NG side burner nicely tucked under my arm, and possibly pay them to convert both to LP for me?
I don't know if that is the case. You could buy the "spuds" (blank metering jets) and tell them how many BTU they need to be. IIRC on the Genesis it's 12000 per burner and they could size the spud correctly. This is not as simple as dropping in a part but it isn't rocket science if you understand what you're working with.
I pretty much finished the restore on the LP Genesis Wednesday afternoon, just before I went and picked up my first Weber score off Craigslist. I've been wanting a performer, and a stainless came up.. the ad said they wanted $65. But if I picked it up that day, I could have it for $50., so I gladly jumped. It's born on date according to Weber CS. is 3/2000. (They first tried to tell me DD was manufactured between 2010-2012) until I pointed out the code source states DD was a 2000. I was then put on hold for a minute or two, and Tim came back and told me, I was correct, and gave me the bday of 3/2000, and registered it to me, and sent me via email the owners manual, as they didn't have it on line.
I'm glad I got it for $50 because it has a old 5# propane tank out of date, and I would like to convert it over to one of those disposable green tanks if I can, since the burner needs replaced as well.
Anyway, I'll just put the NG convert on hold for a while, and see if I can pay someone to convert it to LP, and if not, Plan A it is!

