Nicely done Luke nicely done. My first house I had some property and I got two pigglets and raised them for food. As you know (if you've done this) pigs are real smart and keeping them penned is no easy task. After awhile, I gave up keeping them penned because they wouldn't wander off, and in fact they would come to you for attention. Next thing you know, they're named Root & Toot, and they're pets. We had them for about 4 years, and we decided to sell the place, what we were going to do with the pigs was always on our mind, but being a wimpy kalifornian, I just couldn't. Fortunately, the people who bought the property, said "leave the pigs" and we did. Now I know what happened to them, but I didn't do it, so it came as no harm, no foul for me. That pretty much ruined me for raising food. I'll go out and shoot anything in season, but I can't raise anything. Too wimpy, LOL