2 little pigs...and 1 HUGE pork chop

Nicely done Luke nicely done. My first house I had some property and I got two pigglets and raised them for food. As you know (if you've done this) pigs are real smart and keeping them penned is no easy task. After awhile, I gave up keeping them penned because they wouldn't wander off, and in fact they would come to you for attention. Next thing you know, they're named Root & Toot, and they're pets. We had them for about 4 years, and we decided to sell the place, what we were going to do with the pigs was always on our mind, but being a wimpy kalifornian, I just couldn't. Fortunately, the people who bought the property, said "leave the pigs" and we did. Now I know what happened to them, but I didn't do it, so it came as no harm, no foul for me. That pretty much ruined me for raising food. I'll go out and shoot anything in season, but I can't raise anything. Too wimpy, LOL

I'm with ya Chuck, no can do! I'm so Californian (Bay Area) I still can't / won't eat any game. Although, I do go hunting every week, at Safeway. :-)
Hats off to learning how to butcher. I have wanted to raise pigs (or have a friend of mine raise them for me) but my wife and kids don't like the idea. They don't want to know where there food comes from. My wife once swore off Beef (about a month) after she saw a calf feeding from the mama.
Wow Luke that is rockin' it old school! I love the look of that pork chop. I bet it was great...



