2° Out And Grilling



TVWBB Super Fan
It's 2° out and I decided to grill some marinated chicken breast for lunch tomorrow. Yeah I'm ready for Spring........
It is -1 degrees here, right now. I know what you mean but the difference is, I stayed inside:rolleyes:...

I am REALLY wanting to do some smoking but at these temperatures it'll just have to wait a few days. I'm hoping things moderate after a week or so (this week's forecast is even worse than we're seeing now in SW Ohio). Of course, this is mild compared to some other parts of the country.

Not quite as cold here. Currently 18 with a wind chill of 7. Have grilled in cold weather many times. Love all the looks neighbors give you thinking you are crazy but then they are jealous because what they are having is nowhere near as good. I am smoking for the first time today in the really cold weather. Excited to do it. He is my journey for today. http://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?48438-Fatties-in-the-snow Keep grilling and spring will be here soon enough.
Yeah I'm so over this ridiculously cold weather! This was my temp before heading to work this morning. Funny thing is that it doesn't stop me from grilling :)

Zero here now, I am not going out to grill in it. Tony, cmon over, we can break your record by 34 degrees!

