1st try with spares

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David Prince

have done bb's 2-3 times, but never spares

total weight of the cryo pack is 10.87 lbs..i'm not even sure what is in there (# of racks and such)

am also no butcher and will be trimming these ribs with a regular steak knife .any help or suggestions appreciated/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif
My suggestion would be to get yourself a nice Forschner 8 or 10 in. chefs knife for trimming the ribs, makes the job much easier.

You probably have a cryopack containing two large racks of spares (4.5-5.5 lbs each.) Mike is correct, your best friend when trimming will be a very sharp knife. I would also recommend ChrisA's excellent tutorial on Selecting/Prepping ribs here:

TVWB - Rib Selection/Prep

Rub them up well about an hour or two prior to smoking, and let 'er rip. At 240 or so, they should take 5-7 hours. Check 'em at 4.5 hrs, and go from there.

Good luck!!

Rich G.
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