1st time smoking ribs


Samantha S

New member
Tomorrow I'm going to be smoking some ribs tomorrow and I'm nervous. This will be my third smoke on the WSM 22 and I need all the tips I can get. Do you fill the ring with charcoal? Any good rubs? I'm cooking a chicken with it but will still have the bottom rack empty, is there anything else you can recommend for the bottom rack? Any favorite sauce recipes? I'm filled with questions lol
Use nothing on the ribs and just apply the rub as normal
oil is nice but not required
I've noticed ribs from butcher cases are no better than prepackaged Farmland,
yet they are usually a buck more per pound

id try your local grocer for some spares, maybe they have my favourite, Farmland

good luck Sam!
Chris has several great articles on cooking ribs under cooking topics off the home page. As for where to get them, I go to a market that has a great meat dept and get locally raised, unenhanced ribs. I also agree with Jim about not using anything on the ribs like oil or mustard. What I do is sprinkle them with a bit of kosher salt and let the salt get them sweating, then apply the rub. If you do this just be cautious of the amount of salt in whatever rub you use.
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When i cook ribs on my 22.5"wsm i start with a full chimney of lit on top of mostly used charcoal(if you don't have any used just add a layer in the ring of new charcoal.) I run without water and shoot for 275°. I add about 2 nice chunks of wood and thats all i use for ribs. Hope it goes well!
Thanks everyone for the input! Can't wait to post pictures :)

Six, do you recommend just a normal full ring of charcoal? I don't have any leftover right now, I never knew you could reuse the fuel so I would just leave my vents open. I used the fuse method last time to see if I could get the temp to hold for longer.

