1st smoke underway


Eric Schertz

New member
Decided to skip the chicken and go straight for the ribs. Followed the Basic Baby Back Rib recipe exactly, so hopefully I'll be having a delicious dinner tonight. Guess I'll find out in about 4 hours.
Little over a half hour in and there is still a TON of smoke coming out of this thing. Temp right now is about 205. Doesn't smell very enticing either, like something is burning. Am I doing anything wrong?
Did you start using the minion method? If so, it usually takes 30 minutes and longer for the smoke to go away after you add the coals. Most on the forum put the meat on with this smoke. Personally I don't prefer the smoke and wait until it clears.
Yes I used the minion method. Smoke has gone down a lot now. Took about 45 min. I did put the ribs on right away. Again, this is my first time, so maybe I'm just overreacting. Temp is about 230 right now and it seems to be holding there. Guess I'm just getting 1st time jitters.
Let us know how it turns out. Depending on when you want to eat I'd bump the temperature up to more around the 250-260 range. BBs are going to take 5 to 6 hours to finish. Just make sure you don't leave the lid off for very long otherwise the temps will ramp up farily quickly.
Ok, I definately overreacted. After about an hour the smoke died down. At least now I know to expect a lot of smoke at the beginning. Maybe next time I'll wait til after it dies down to put the meat on. Temp is still around 225-230 even after opening the vents a little more than halfway. Top vent is all the way open. I'm not in a hurry though. Just checked them after 3 hours and they're looking pretty good. Sprayed them with apple juice and I'll check them again in another half hour. Maybe I can do this after all.
I would leave the lid on until the 4 hour mark. Everytime the lid comes off, you'll get a spike in temps. You're definitely cooking in the low end of "low and slow", so that probably won't be a big deal.
How many racks have you got going?
I just have 2 racks. Temp is now around 215. Hopefully I can make it through without more charcoal. I used a whole 9 lb bag with the minion method.
qpen the vents a bit, try to get your temps up to 240-250.
What size cooker are you using?
I always fill the ring, no matter what I'm cooking, and reuse the unburnt for the next cook.
When are you wanting to to be at table?
When you said you skipped the chicken and went straight to the ribs are you talking about Gary Wiviott's lessons? If so you better watch your back for breaking the rules
Eric I always start minion method and as soon as I dump the lit coals on, the middle section goes on and I put the meat right on. I don't wait.

