1st ribs & Smokenator cook; Steaks on Craycort; Chicken w/1st time minion method


Laura D

Okay, I figured it out. This should have the real pics!

I broke down and got a Shutterfly account to show some pics because as I've been told, "If there aren't pics, the cook didn't happen!" These are taken with my iPhone, so not the best quality, but you get the general idea.

Here are my first ribs on the grill also using Smokenator for the first time - 1st rack was much smaller so we took that off to gnaw on while the 2nd bigger rack headed to completion.


Here's a blurry pic of the ribs - got a little smoke ring there and they were good, especially for a first time!


I've gotten really good at making steaks on my Smokey Joe cast iron grates - had friends over for a steak experiment while I figure it out on my 22.5 OTG w/Craycorts. Done a little past medium rare than I like, but my friends were pleased.


Chris Lilly's loaf pan chicken with my first time using minion method. It was great!


Here's the finished chicken resting before cutting. I had a terrible cold so couldn't it taste it very well but today I am feeling better and enjoyed some of the leftovers.


Maybe I'll pull out a better camera for my next cook, hmmmmm.

Thanks for looking!

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Were did you uppload em to? Imageshack is what i use. The best? well maby not. But try it out http://imageshack.us/ Uppoload the pix,set the size,and copy the forum code(under embed this pic) in the post and all will be fine. Send a PM to me if you have any problems,.
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Thank you! I went to Photobucket. It worked out although the pics aren't the best quality. I do have a nice digital camera, maybe I'll pull it out for my next cook.

at this time of the evening Laura, everything is fuzzy to me :)
Ribs, Beef & Bird looks Great!
Alot of first here..however, its only the start to more great things! Everything looks very tasty...
Nice cooks and new toys. PhotoBucket has a free iPhone app that lets you upload right from your phone, which makes posting on here a lot easier.
Very nice!!! ever since you posted that Chris lilly link I have had that loaf pan chicken on my mind ever since!
Thanks everyone! And today I made Harry Soo ribs, oooooo THEY WERE SO GOOD! I'm going to post a couple pics of those too. It has been a delicious week!

That chicken looks awesome. With all this great cooking, who wouldn't have had a great looking weekend. I'm sure your friends did also! :)

