1st Pork Ribs WSM


Gregory R

TVWBB All-Star
Well, after relative success with beef ribs and some awesome smoked chicken I'm going to try my hand at pork ribs. Not much left at the market but got 2 short racks of pork back ribs. Made up a sweet rub and just placed them on the smoker. I'll post some pics later good or bad, but how bad could it be. ;)
I have yet to make "bad" ribs on my WSM ....there might be a detail here or there that I wish was a bit different , but I can always eat 'em!
1/2 hour to go and it looks and smells amazing. Preparing my pallet with a touch of scotch. Updates to come.
The worst ribs you do on your WSM will probably still be far better than any restaurant ribs you get.

