1st overnighter with my WSM

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Well, the Cubs certainly didn't impress too much this weekend either /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
So, I'd have to say that for this only having been the second weekend I have owned a WSM, the cook went pretty well. The pork butts turned out quite well, though I wish I could have found larger sized ones (or just invite less friends over) as more leftovers would have been nice /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif The butts were tender, barely any fat left on it and had a decent smoke ring (maybe 1/2"). Honestly though I would have liked it to have a bit more of a smoke flavor, so I'll have to experiment some on that. Also, I did a "Renowned Mr Brown" type clone but I didn't re-reb in the morning. Next time I'll do so as I think it could have used some more flavor on the outside. I think wrapping the butts in saran then foil and holding for a few hours to keep them warm also made the bark get soft from the steam produced, next time I'll try to time it better so I get to enjoy it more.
The 4 racks of spares turned out nice. With about an hour or so left I unrolled them and laid 2 racks per level so they would lay flat and gave them a good spray with apple juice. They came out very dark on the outside and pulled down the bone quite a bit. I left the skirt on them and that part had a jerky type texture, though not as dry. Just very smokey and rich with spice. In general the ribs were great. Think they were on for close to 7.5 hours, and probably could have come off a bit earlier. I just think TOO much fat rendered out.
Anyway, not a bad attempt for my first overnighter. Amazing how much easier it is to wake up to flip some butts compared to when the alarm goes off on a work day /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Rockwood:
Jeff - I'd suggest you do chicken the first time out. You can get a real feel for how the thing works without a whole lot of effort. My biggest tip to you, is to go easy on the smoke. A little can go a long way. Keep exploring this site for other tips and suggestions. Good Luck! [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Mike,
I'm glad your overnight cook went well.
I may be asking for trouble for my first cook, but I'm planning on chicken & ribs. Hopefully I can figure it out so that they both finish at about the same time. I will definitely follow your advice & not add too much smoke wood. I've been reading up quite a bit, so hopefully I'll do OK.

Optimally, chicken is better done on the WSM at a higher temp with a dry water pan-- both for skin crispiness and to avoid long times in the 40-140* "danger zone". I think if you do chicken and ribs together, you may end up with over-cooked, over-smoked chicken, or, if you take the advice of using less wood, your ribs will not get the amount of smoke you probably want.

If you do choose to forge ahead, considering the caveats, definitely put the chicken on the bottom grate. You don't want those poultry juices dripping on your ribs.
Thanks for the advice. I may have to re-think my first cook. Chicken does seem easier, but I know my family is really looking forward to trying ribs. decisions...decisions.

For my first cook I did 3 racks of spares on the top rack and 2 butterflied chickens on the bottom. Chicken was on for about 4 hours and ribs on for 6 or so. If you want to do both, go for both. I just finished my chicken on the gas grill for a few minutes a side with sauce and to crisp the skin. Perhaps add the ribs first and then at halfway point add the chicken to the bottom rack that way you can get everything done at the same time for the dinner table.
Good luck!

That sounds good. I'd probably crisp up the skin on my gas grill too. So you were able to fit 2 butterflied chickens on the bottom grate? I figured only one would fit.
I haven't decided for sure yet, but I'll probably go for the ribs + chicken & see how it turns out. I do have a polder probe to let me know when the chicken is done.

I butterflied and then cut each bird in half as it seemed like they would pack on a grill better that way. I placed the breast end in the center and fit all 4 halfs that way. Plus I figured that since it seems to be hotter around the outside of the water pan, having the legs/thighs over that would help cook them faster without drying out the breast meat. So fitting 2 chickens on the bottom should be that much of a problem, the ones I used were standard sized fryers I got at CostCo, maybe 4-5lbs each.
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