1st Butts.....need advice


Brian Barker

New member
Hey Everybody,
I'm sure I've read the answers to all of my questions in other posts but I need a little reassurance that I'm doing this right.

I've got 2 butts, trimmed they are 8.5 and 9lbs each. I would like them to be done around 12 noon tomorrow. I figure about 1.5 hrs a pound on the WSM, so about 13.5 hrs to finish. I'm going to be gone until about 6pm so I am planning on wrapping them in foil and towels and putting them in a cooler. Is that too long to have them rest before pulling the pork? Would you plan on using the minion method for the briquettes or just light it up like normal and add fuel as I go?

Thanks in advance for any pointers,
To be safe figure 2 hours per lbs. Rest for 6 hrs. seems like too long to me. The most I ever went was 3.
Fill the ring full, and use minion method. Not knowing the temp you plan on cooking at there are various answers.

I cook butts around 250 lid, and they usually take 15-16 hours. If you cook at say 225 lid, the butts might take 18 hours plus.

You can get them done faster if you cook at higher temps.

I've held multiple butts in a dry cooler for 5 hours easy. (last week I cooked 4, and the last one had an internal temp still in the 150's at the 5 hour mark).
Hi Brian, the minion method is definately the easiest way to go (less work)!
I've rested for that long before and it still turned out allright, the butts seem to hold their heat really well! Good luck and have fun!

