1st Butt in Over a Year / ET-73 / Sand / Air Leaks


Wade Leishman

TVWBB Member
OK the "1st Butt" Subject could be taken the wrong way, but here goes.

Hey everyone, its been quite a while since I've been able to use my WDM, as my wife was pregnent with my beautiful twin girls, now 3 months old, and the even the smell of smoke or BBQ really bothered her (although she loved it before)... anyhow to make a long story short, I'm in the middle of a 2 x 7lbs Boneless Pork Shouulders (Cryovac from Costco) that I started last night at about 9:30pm. Some TexasBBQ Rub, and on they went.

Things were going pretty well until my ET-73 Alarm went off @ 3:30 am, I looked down and the Smoker Probe was registering 340 Degrees, and I thought OMG, something was SERVERLY wrong... so I run out in my undies (a visual that I know nobody needs), and my lid thermo is still sitting right at 240-250 ish... I look down and my probe was registering HHH, so I'm assuming that my probe is now honkered.

Does anyone know if I can call up Maverick and buy another one?

I also am using Sand in the Pan for the very first time after 2+ years as a water guy... so far I can't say anything is too drasticly different, but hopefully the cleanup is easier. Also, all my previous cooks I had some problems keeping the temp down under 250 degrees. This time I folded up some Aluminum Foil around the bottom seal between the middle section and the base. Before my ET-73 took a dump in the middle of the night, it was keeping right around 230ish once I got it going. So I gotta assume that my center section is out of round a little bit, so I have one more step to do next time I fire the "old girl" up...

Well, my coffee is ready now, and I've bored the world with my post (and probably grossed some folks out with the thought of me running out on my deck at 3:30 am in my undies)... I'll let everyone know how it goes when I pull these bad boys off in a few hours...

There's actually another probe you can buy? How much is that and do they make heavy duty probes for both the cooker and the meat probes?
speaking of the maverick...

I got one a few weeks ago, great idea... But 100 foot range? is anyone even getting close to that? My signal dies at about 20-25 feet into my house. I put brand new batteries in it and didn't maek a difference.

Did I get a bogus one? Or do other people have the same issue?

Called Maverick Today and ordered a new Smoker Probe... I've had the ET-73 for well over a year, so I knew I was going to have to pay for it. It costs $12 shipping included...

I asked about a "Heavy Duty" probe and the nice rep on the phone said they have what was similar to the Food Probe (possible the same thing, she wasn't 100% sure) that was heavier duty that you could use on the smoker end, but I decided to stick with the standard one..

As far as distance, It stopped working in my bedroom on my side of the bed (probably 30-40 feet from smoker, but also thru 2/3 walls)... on my wife side it worked fine...

I can see it now "3:30 am... Hey Hun the alarms going off why don't you go check my pit..." not gonna happen...

Originally posted by Anton:
speaking of the maverick...

I got one a few weeks ago, great idea... But 100 foot range? is anyone even getting close to that? My signal dies at about 20-25 feet into my house. I put brand new batteries in it and didn't maek a difference.

Did I get a bogus one? Or do other people have the same issue?

I have an ET-73 and the range on it is terrible as well. If it's not in direct view of the transmitter I am lucky to get 20 feet.
I take it that the probe was clean?

Congrats on the girls BTW !
Originally posted by Anton:
speaking of the maverick...

I got one a few weeks ago, great idea... But 100 foot range? is anyone even getting close to that? My signal dies at about 20-25 feet into my house. I put brand new batteries in it and didn't maek a difference.

Did I get a bogus one? Or do other people have the same issue?
I get pretty close to 100 feet... and that is through a few walls. Never had a problem.
I noticed some range issues with my E-73 too. I placed it on top of a plastic milk crate to set it higher. That made a difference. I wasn't getting a signal on my porch (WSM in back yard) until I did that. Not knowing how the thing works, it might be that stretching the wires helped as they might be used as the antennas. Or simply placing it higher gave it a larger range.
I bought an ET-73 while in Ft Myers last winter and I could take the remote to the pool deck which is a one lane street and four sites away from my RV. This weekend the WSM was on my back deck and I was chatting with my neighbour out in front and it worked great.

BTW to James how was the contrest in Paris last weekend????
I found out the hard way that my center section is also out of round. Do other folks have this problem? I do not seal it with foil, I can rotate it and hit a sweet spot where all is well. I now have this spot marked and make sure I have the right orientation before I start a cook.
Do a search on the et-73 problems. I think you will find the distance issue to be a problem for most who have used it.

Many of us have switched to (or has beeen using) the Nu-Temp.

