I bought Zak Placcio's Eat With Your Hands and want to try his brisket recipe that he serves at his Fatty 'Cue restaurant in Brooklyn, NY. His recipe wants you to smoke the brisket at 190 degrees F. I have always used 225 degrees F as my pit set point for L&S briskets and wanted some comments on this new lower temperature.
The recipe has a basic dry rub with a wet paste on top (coconut milk, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, shallots, and spices all pureed together). He then has you marinate in the refrigerator for several days.
I have a WSM with a HeaterMeter ATC and the brisket that I am using weighs 16.25 pounds. At my usual brisket set point of 225 degrees F, I would assume a time of between one hour and one hour twenty minutes per pound for a total time of between sixteen hours fifteen minutes and twenty-one hours and forty minutes.
I would love some thoughts on this new lower temperature set point of 190 degrees F.
Do you believe it will produce a better product and what do you think the time ranges will be?
-- Mache
The recipe has a basic dry rub with a wet paste on top (coconut milk, fish sauce, garlic, ginger, shallots, and spices all pureed together). He then has you marinate in the refrigerator for several days.
I have a WSM with a HeaterMeter ATC and the brisket that I am using weighs 16.25 pounds. At my usual brisket set point of 225 degrees F, I would assume a time of between one hour and one hour twenty minutes per pound for a total time of between sixteen hours fifteen minutes and twenty-one hours and forty minutes.
I would love some thoughts on this new lower temperature set point of 190 degrees F.
Do you believe it will produce a better product and what do you think the time ranges will be?
-- Mache