18 inch WSM and clay saucer

I am unable to find any 14.25" clay saucers in my area... Tampa, FL. I've looked everywhere. All I have been able to come up with is 14" and it is too small. I do not want to use the water pan as it is just a pain to prep and clean...thus the single clay saucer is my remedy for temp stabilization and easy prep/clean up. Anyone know where I could get the correct size?
Stein's Garden & Gift Centers have that size, as does Menard's.
I use the stock Weber water pan on every cook (twice a week) and I see no problems with prep work or clean up.
Got kids? Ask them to clean up after your cooks
I use a 12 incher, i like the fit better than the 14.
I use it in the water pan and foil over it makes a nice area for the drippings, never overflows and easy cleanup.
I've been using a 14.25 inch clay saucer for the last two or three cooks and I really like it! I found it at Home Depot, no problem. The temperature stays incredibly steady with it.

I find it difficult to get the temperature down below about 275 degrees, though. today I cooked four 5 pound chickens at 275. The bottom vents were closed off to about 25 or 30% open. I got about three hours of cooking time with a total of 10# of charcoal before the temperature started to drop off slowly.

Can any of you who have used this tell me how to get the temperature lower? How low can you control it to?
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by M Strickland:
I've been using a 14.25 inch clay saucer for the last two or three cooks and I really like it! I found it at Home Depot, no problem. The temperature stays incredibly steady with it.

I find it difficult to get the temperature down below about 275 degrees, though. today I cooked four 5 pound chickens at 275. The bottom vents were closed off to about 25 or 30% open. I got about three hours of cooking time with a total of 10# of charcoal before the temperature started to drop off slowly.

Can any of you who have used this tell me how to get the temperature lower? How low can you control it to? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just because you have 3 vents doesn't mean you have to have all three open. Try shutting two completely and using one partially open if you want lower temps. You should be able to keep it down between 200 and 225 if you want to, no problem.
I like the fit of the 12" saucer better too. However, I set mine down on a cold surface tonight, and it split in half. I guess the saucer was warmer than I thought. I'll have to make another trip to Home Depot soon.

I using my 14.25" saucer now, but it doesn't fit as well....IMO it sticks up too high above the top of the water pan, which puts it too close to the lower grate. Not a problem if you are not using the lower grate though.
I use the 14" foiled inside the pan on long cooks. No saucer on higer heat cooks, which is what I do the most of generally. I like the water pan (sans water), it adds some heat sink and is a very effective way for the heat to be indirect.

