18 inch kettle legs mod. questions



I want to make my 18 inch kettle more portable for tail gating. Can I just use galvanized pipe for the legs? How can I make the legs stay in when lifting/transporting? What size diameter pipe? I could always cut the other standard legs down I guess. I am not a fan of my go any where grill. I went to flip a burger and it slid off the grate onto the pavement! My go any where will NOT be going anywhere with me again!
If I was doing it I would use rigid metal electrical conduit. I'm pretty sure the outer diameter is 1". That's what my tape measured on my 22.5 and, according to an 18.5 schematic I looked at, they're the same. Use a self tapping sheet metal screw to hold it in. Galvanized pipe would work but it would be heavy, maybe hard to find the right diameter, and much harder to get a sheet metal screw through. I hope that helps.
I just did the mod. I used 3/4 galv. pipe with alum foil on the ends. It tapped right in with a rubber mallet. Dont know if they will come out or not but oh well. ! lol..i used 8 inch pipe so I can still have the ash catch aluminum thingy! I am happy for around 10 bucks!
Tx for the feedback guys. George all 6 pages of that post are about airflow in SJP! I am turning my standard 20 year old 18 inch kettle into a portable. The legs have been wobbly for years. It has the 3 daisy wheels on the bottom so I know it will get decent air flow. I love how it turned out using 8 inch galvanized pipe. It adds some weight but the is fine. I done have to worry about it falling over when traveling or putting it together when tailgating now!
there are mentions of using an 18.5 silver and getting short legs for it instead of the sjp. search as there is more that i was not able to search for. there are pics out there.
That ots is a work of art! It looks great.. I have no ash sweeper in mine as it is over 20 years old. My wife told me I should get rid of my 18 inche kettle cause I had like 4 other webers! WTH does she want a divorce or some thing?
lol.. Ill put my go any where weber in da yard sale NOT mah 18 inch kettle as it is now my traveler!
Originally posted by dean:
I want to make my 18 inch kettle more portable for tail gating. Can I just use galvanized pipe for the legs? How can I make the legs stay in when lifting/transporting? What size diameter pipe? I could always cut the other standard legs down I guess. I am not a fan of my go any where grill. I went to flip a burger and it slid off the grate onto the pavement! My go any where will NOT be going anywhere with me again!

I simply drilled small hols in the leg support stud and the leg while installed and put a cotter pin in it. That way I can remove/install when required for transport, then install the cotter pin once on location.

