I've been cooking on my 18.5" WSM for about 15 years. My charcoal grate is sagging badly in the middle and burned through around the edges in spots. My cooking grates have no chrome left on them, and are starting to sag too. I couldn't even begin to guess how many hundreds of pounds of meat I've cooked on it. I'm trying to decide if I should purchase new charcoal and cooking grates, or break down and purchase a new 18.5" WSM. You may have seen my post on making the jump to the 22.5". This is a separate topic, I believe still want the 18.5" too. The shell of my 18.5" still looks good. No rusting or other damage that would lean me toward replacing it. If I keep it, and just get the new grates, should I power wash the inside to clean it up for a fresh start? I've never done any cleaning on the shell itself, I only ever cleaned the grates. It looks like the newer version might have better legs, and Weber added a heat shield on the bottom, and a temperature gauge on the lid since I bought mine. Are there other improvements that might push me to a new one? Let me know what you think. Thanks.