179 degree internal temp brisket


Travis K

New member
and the temp has dropped down to 177 over the last 30 minutes. What should I do. The weather is getting a bit worse with overcast and the occassional sprinkle and increasing wind. The temp at the lid is 250 solid and has been for most of the cook.

What should I do with the brisket? Yank it or leave it? Any reason it would get to about 179 and fall even when the outside weather has maybe only dropped 5-7 degrees?
Migration of juices in the meat can cause temp drop. You can try temping a different spot and see what you get but I would not worry about it. If your cooker is steady at 250 exterior ambient temps are not the issue.
All the cooking I've been doing this season has been in cool and wet weather. Just doesn't matter. The only factor that is important is the wind. On one cook it really picked up very suddenly, and the next thing I knew my temp was rising high. I just closed down the vents some more and it was fine.

Leave it.

Most briskets I do go a bit higher--188-192. I check for tenderness with the probe or with a fork. If you'd rather wing it by temp I 'd suggest 188. Foil and rest for an hour anyway.

