16lb Butt - Friday Overnighter


James Harvey

Defrosting a 16lb butt now for an overnighter tomorrow. Been in the deep freeze for a few months (purchased from a large commercial meat supplier. Cut big as I requested). I've never smoked a butt that was pre-frozen. This will also be the largest butt I've ever done.
Does anyone have tips for pre-frozen meat? I've read many posts here that don't indicate any special care. I plan on putting it on (Stoker) at 9pm Friday night @ 225F. Using RO briqs and cherry and maple woods. My questions are:

Injecting - I usually don't but what could be the implications (if any) for pre-frozen meat?
Thawed or not - The meat may not be fully thawed by smoke time. I don't think I'll see a quality issue with this (other than trying to inject frozen meat if I go that route) given what I've read here.
Holding - Just using rule of thumb timing (I know the meat is done when it's done) can I hold a bigger butt longer in a cooler due to mass if required?
Bark when holding - I expect a softer bark if holding in foil over time. Can I firm up the bark in the oven after holding? If so, what temps should I be aware of if i choose to firm?
I use my Maverick to monitor internal temps when holding and always pull before 140F on the downslide. My last few butts have been foiled and held for a few hours and the bark has suffered (I've never firmed up a butt).
My best bark on a butt has always come from taking the meat directly from the heat, resting and pulling. I'd like to hit that timing mark again but the meat will dictate how I finish.

Just to remark, my best bark, but not best flavour, came from an offset cook on a gasser with smoke bags. It was like a meteorite outside but beautifully tender inside.
James a 16lb butt, that is going to take a long time at 225F.I usually allow for 1.5hr per pound. I think you should cut it in half and smoke at a higher temp 250 - 275F.
I've done frozen butts but never any that large. I really couldn't detect a difference other than I had to use mustard to get the rub to adhere to the meat. Definitely allow a long time.
What Dave O said. Cutting it in half will get you closer to the results you want (more bark because you have more external surface for bark to form), and it will cut down on your smoke time significantly I'm sure.

Only implications I see from injecting frozen meat (assuming by "frozen" you really mean partially thawed) is that you may not get the inject to spread throughout the internals the same as if it were fully thawed.

If you want to guarantee good bark, go with a higher composition of brown sugar in your rub. It will caramelize and form a deep, dark bark. But be sure to keep a close watch on temps and don't let them spike on you for an extended period of time (or you'll have a huge, heavy "burnt football" on your hands).
Most likely it has part of the picnic attached to be 16lbs. I wouldn't bother with injecting (over that long of a cook it will lose much of the flavor) rather make a finishing sauce to drizzle over it once pulled. Go 225 overnight then ramp up to 250 the next morning. If you need to hold either pull a little before done or tent to stop the cooking then foil and cooler. If 225 is acurate then you will be looking 2 + hrs per lb. I measure at the vent only! You can go up to 275-290 without hurting the product.

If timing allows I now time the butt to where I can tent for up to 30 min then pull and serve, it is much better than a long hold. You can control the timing with temps up or down on the last leg of the cook, that is fun as well.
I have the time for a full cook so I want to leave the butt as is (it is a combo butt/picnic). It now looks like the meat will be mostly thawed but I'm not injecting anyway. I don't expect any issues with rub adhesion.
Glenn, I like the suggestion of cooking at 225F with a bump up later depending on desired finish time. I'm using a Stoker, so this should be pretty painless.

As an aside, I'm going to finish the meat with Lilly's Carolina Red and serve some on the side as well.

I'll post the results.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by James Harvey:
I have the time for a full cook so I want to leave the butt as is (it is a combo butt/picnic). </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

...commonly called in the states, "a pork shoulder".
Ya know I'm kiddin' around, James.

Hope the shoulder turns out great, and I'm sure the Lilly sauce will be a hit as well.

