15 lbs. of butt Chris Lilly style (I hope)


Jack Straw

Taking a stab at a recipe Keri C submitted here, first time with this rub and my first time injecting. 10:15 pm PST butts are on, shooting for a nice and slow 225* cook that should take me into tommorow afternoon/evening. Apple and hickory for smoke, Best of the West lump will provide the heat.

Here's some food ****. Let me know if there's a link problem. I'll post some more photo's come dinner time tommorow. Pray the bourbon holds out!
OK, finally reporting back on the cook. The combination of the rub, injection and 18 hrs. of low and slow produced what may be the best butts I've ever made. Great rub recipe for sure and injecting is a must for me from now on. I also made up a batch of Fat Johnny's Bastardized Piedmont Sauce found here. Awesome sauce! I would definitely recommend this recipe!

I also added more photo's to the link found in my first post.
Would we steer ye wrong, darlin'?

Glad you enjoyed the recipes. I'm with you - I think that that particular combination of recipes works very well on butts. Even my husband, who doesn't really care for pork, declares himself to be a "butt" man when it's prepared like this. Well, okay, he was a "butt" man anyway, but you know what I mean.

Keri C, still smokin' on Tulsa Time (and occasionally competing as Hot Wire BBQ)

