12 pounder, mmm pork.


Matt Faery

TVWBB Member
Just bought my first 12 lb pork shoulder at Costco, couldn't believe how cheap it was. I think I'm going to also cook a brisket or baby backs along with it. Any suggestions as to what should be on the top rack dripping down on the lower rack meat? Also, when you put a packer on do you foil the edges that lay outside the perimeter of the pan or just let it burn hotter?

Any suggestions on your favorite pulled pork recipe would also be welcome. Thanks guys and gals. The football playoffs are getting yummier every year.

I could be wrong but your 12 lb. shoulder is probably two boneless shoulders in one cryovac pack. Check here for my favorite recipe for pulled pork. I use Texas BBQ rub # 1.

Hey Matt,
Me and many others can tell you that brisket underneath the pork butt is the way to go.
Self basting the brisket with the pork works great!
I'll have to check the pack. I just asked him for a whole pork butt and the 12 pound pack is what he came out of the freezer with. Thanks for the recipe. Checking around, the 18 hour mark seems the consensus.

Brisket under the pork...roger that.

p.s. Al, can you get the Texas rub in a store or did you have to order it? I've seen other people mention it but haven't broken down yet.
You have to order TexasBbqRub from Bill Cannon of Texas. http://www.texasbbqrub.com/ Bill makes one great rub. There are some great people that are members of his site aswell.
Has anyone come up with a Texas BBQ Rub clone? I don't mean to take biz from those folks, I just like making my own if I can.
I love the Mr Brown rub with some Western NC BBQ sauce. The sauce must be close to liquid consistency and vinegary. I usually try a new sauce each time.
ok, the stage is set, just need a little more suggestions on smoking times.
I know it's not an exact science but if I have a 12 lb pork butt on the top rack and a 10-12 lb brisket on the bottom rack (picking it up tomorrow so I don't have the exact poundage), what's a good time to fire them up on Sat. to have them ready to eat on Sunday at around 1 PM?

I've never had a smoke this big with so many people so hopefully everything will turn out well.

Oh, one last question, what do you guys like to put on the pork after its pulled? I was thinking of a bbq sauce, rub, vinegar combo that I read about somewhere.
Hiya Matt
If I were at my parents' place in Pasadena I'd be driving out help you eat all that Q ...

With all that meat I would start around 14:00 on Saturday. It will probably take 18 hours (or more) for the butt and maybe 18 for the brisket. 20 pounds of meat will sit in a pre heated cooler for 4 hours no problem, you can use those 4 hours to make the sides, and get organised, clean up and enjoy a nice bloody mary (oh yeah and have a nice long shower). There's nothing worse that running around at the last minute.

I'm getting hungry now

I agree...3pm or 4pm should get ya done on time. IT will sit for a long time in a cooler as Morgan said!

Good luck and let us know how it turns out!
Is it one 12 lber or two 6'es?

For 6 lbers, I'd guestimate 14-16 hrs. But it's tough to predict. I've had 7-8 lbers finish in 14 and some have taken 22. Just start with plenty of extra time. The butts can rest in the cooler 4-6 hrs after cooking.
Thanks for the replies guys. I'll definately let you know how it comes out.

John, I'll have to investigate the cryovac closer. It just says 12lbs on it so I assume it's the butt and shoulder together. Have a great weekend.
Big Al

I'll try your recipe. Before I even looked at your second post I was thinking of adding honey also. Sounds great, I'll let you know how many hearts it wins over. After all, if it has whiskey in it, how could you possibly go wrong?

