12.5 lb Brisket on my Genesis 1000



TVWBB 2-Star Olympian
Guys, I have never done a brisket before. But I am going to be doing a 12.5 lb slab that I got at Walmart yesterday for $29. I am going to use the High Heat Brisket method described here: http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/brisket4.html

Wish me luck, I will report back.

I have a smoker box on my Genesis 1000. I have successfully smoked a lot of meats in my gasser. I have always wanted to try a Brisket but didn't want to spring for the $$$$. When I saw this one in Walmart for $2.37 a pound, I couldn't resist. But, yah, I guess you could call this an experiment.

I got it prepped with the rub already and it is sitting in my fridge. I will pull it out around noon tomorrow and get it on the grill shortly there after. The wife gets home around 7pm or so and I hope to have it sitting and resting when she gets here. I will try to remember to post up some pictures through the cook.
I surely hope you get a decent result. I am much more concerned about the meat, than the method.
Those select briskets from Wallyworld are hit and miss. I avoid them like the plague until they get to
a ridiculously lowered price such as you found. I have had a few that were decent, one that was not fit
for my dogs bowl, and one that was as good as any prime I have ever had.
Well that certainly looks interesting but I hate to experiment with a very large and somewhat costly hunk o meat
Oh yeah I have too. I have done ribs, chucks, smoked salmon I caught in Lake Michigan, all kinds of stuff. I've had people on other groups poo poo my efforts even using some nasty language but I cannot argue with good old ingenuity and good results. Sure would a dedicated smoker be better? Yeah I'm sure it wood (pun intended) But I don't have the room or inkling to deal with a dedicated smoker. Like Alton Brown says I like multi taskers
Bruce dying to see your results on the high heat I would not do it on the 1000 would do it on my smoker. I have done one on the smoker before I thought it was okay the guests loved it me not so much thought it was a little dry. It must have taken about 11 hours and of course for the price of that meat if you screw it up pretty much a disaster.
I posted up this link in post yesterday. But, here it is again: https://tvwbb.com/showthread.php?750...guidance/page2

It came out better than I expected for sure. VERY juicy and tender. I ate a sandwich with leftovers today and will be eating it with the wife as left overs tonight with some brown rice as a side. IMO, it was a heck of a deal for under thirty bucks. Probably not as good a couple 1 lb Ribeyes, but then the ribeyes would only feed a couple people. This thing would feed ten people.
I will definitely be on the lookout at Walmart for another one marked down.

