1000 and Silver interchangeable parts?



Do we know if the parts are interchangeable between the Genesis 1000 model, and this "Silver" model?

To my untrained eye, all that is different is the handle.

I'd like to salvage and use the grates and flavorizer bars and side table hinges, as well as control knobs on my 1000.

Is there anything that isn't compatible?


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Grates, lid, handle, knobs yes. Flavorizer bars, manifold, drip tray, control panel no. Not sure on the table hinges, but leaning toward no. The one in the picture is a Genesis 1000. Is that your grill or the one you want parts from?
Silver knobs are different than 1000, but you can use Silver B knobs on a 1000, they just sit up a bit higher.

Best I can tell, the red head pic you posted looks like a 1000 with a silver handle.

The 1000 frame has the tank gauge on the frame with a pointer.
Grates, lid, handle, knobs yes. Flavorizer bars, manifold, drip tray, control panel no. Not sure on the table hinges, but leaning toward no. The one in the picture is a Genesis 1000. Is that your grill or the one you want parts from?
Oh. The one in the picture is what wanted parts from, and I assumed was a Silver because of the handle.

If it's really a 1000 in disguise I'll snatch it up for parts.
Yah, my thoughts are that it is a Genesis 1000 with a Silver B handle or entire silver B lid stuck on it. The LP tank level indicator sticker on the frame also says it is a 1000.
Well, this was a good lesson for me to learn, but unfortunately someone snatched it before me. Now I know for next time. Thanks!
John, don't sweat it. I am not sure what the seller was asking for it, but those show pretty regular for very reasonable prices. You will find another one just as good or better soon enough.

