10 year old leaky wsm


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
In the midst of a two butt cook, my vents are all but 100% closed. Temps around 285.

The lower vents have been bent over time and do not hug the charcoal bowl. The door was nudged by a car bumper and I thought bent back to an appropriate shape. Yet with the lower vents all but closed, no water in the pan....I'm running at 285.

Perhaps after ten years, I need to recondition my old friend.
its funny how we expect perfection while we allow the cookers to fall apart from age and abuse. time to rebuild a faithfull friend.
It looks as if the Cajun Bandit door is built similarly to the Weber door. Is it of a heavier material? Can you crack it or turn it upside down as some folks do?

I see that the CB door is $22.00.
As usual, I can't find a parts list for my WSM-18 on Weber's site.

But why buy a CB door instead of a Weber door?

Sorry to hear about your struggles Steve, maybe we can set up a fund and have everyone who has made your classic # 5 sauce send you $1 lol. Heck you could get a new smoker and then some. Just wanted to thank you again for the recipe, can't tell you how many times I have made it. I have given up buying commercial sauces and testing them out. I have made my version for big groups on numerous occasions and it has always been a huge hit.

I cut down the cider vinegar a bit, use dried cherries, dried cranberries infused with apple juice, and pineapple juice, for the most part anyway. Love the recipe and thanks again. (sorry about changing the subject).

Steve, with no heat sinks, like saucers, nor any water--even with 0% vents--I'd be happy if my lil' WSM only ran at 285.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Ron B - NE Ontario, Canada:
Don't think they offer a version with the handle. You need to take the handle off of the original and fit it to the CB door ???? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's my understanding that you can use the original handle with the CB Door on 2009 and later models. Pre-2009, you need to order a replacement handle from Weber or make your own.

The CB door is stainless steel and retains heat and seals better (less air leaks) than the OEM door IMHO.

www.cajunbandit.com They have a "contact us" email link that can answer any questions.

Then replacement vents from Weber for sure.
I have a 1987 WSM, bought new. I'm following this thread with interest and am still trying to decide what to do about the door. I'll have to phone Bandit one day.

i'm just not sold on this leaky door bit. when i got my wsm, the door looked like it had been run over several times. i took about a 1/2 hour to fix it. yes, it leaked a little but no biggee. i've seen wsm's at comps with doors bent and wavy and they seem to do just fine. i just wonder if its just the unfamiliarity of the whole situation.
I have the CB door on my 2008 WSM, and I used the original handle and hardware with no problems. It leaks a little, but much less than the factory door did and it is heavier, made from stainless steel, so it is less likely to get bent or warped. It looks better too, IMO.

WSM's were not built to be completely air tight, so a little leakage around the door and/or lid should not be a problem unless it adversely affects temperature regulation.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by george curtis:
i'm just not sold on this leaky door bit. when i got my wsm, the door looked like it had been run over several times. i took about a 1/2 hour to fix it. yes, it leaked a little but no biggee. i've seen wsm's at comps with doors bent and wavy and they seem to do just fine. i just wonder if its just the unfamiliarity of the whole situation. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

george, I can sure see your point. Looks like there are 2 camps here. Either running too hot or too cold on the WSM. After reading the numerous posts here from both sides, I've noticed they seem to be seasonally related. In cold winter, how to make it hotter and in hot summer, how to make it cooler. And all points in between. Altitude is another consideration as is relative humidity.

Just saying that many other factors affect the performance of a WSM. Any advice offered by someone in cooler climates does not necessarily translate into useful info for someone in warmer climates. The more oxygen to infiltrate a WSM equals coals getting hotter. Looks like folks are trying to find a better way to control the amount of O2 that enters the cooking chamber.

