
  1. Bruce

    HOW TO: Weber Q1xx and Q2xx Regulator Delete

    WHAT: This is a How To on bypassing (replacing) the regulator on a Q grill for use on a bulk propane tank. WHY: The regulators on Weber Q grills are notorious for dying, making noises, malfunctioning and other problems. Replacement regulators typically cost $50 or more for a new one. This is...
  2. B

    Weber Q1000 in the rain

    Hello all I am a first time poster and new Weber owner. This spring I purchased a Weber Q1000 as my first outdoor grill. I have been really enjoying it and I have been using it several times a week since then. However, I have started to notice an issue and I am curious if anyone else has this...
  3. A

    Starter question--Help!

    I have a Weber Q1000 grill and I am having what seems like an odd problem. I should also say I know NOTHING about grilling or grills, so if you are the lovely person(s) who respond, please do so like you are talking to an alien who has never used a grill before. I am using the small...

