
  1. JSchlegelmilch

    Emptying the Freezer

    Between our schedules, leftover BBQ in the freezer has been a great thing on busy evenings where we don't have much time to cook. Pair that with our mini slow cooker for warming the leftovers, and it is a game changer. I mentioned to my wife that these roasts that we have in our freezer would be...
  2. M Nowc

    Testing out the new Jumbo Joe w/ PSB and Sunday ribs

    Like many of the other members of this forum I grabbed a Jumbo Joe on clearance at Target and decided to test it out this weekend with some low and slow. I had a 3 lb chuck roast in the freezer, picked up some peppers and onions from the local farm stand and about 6 hours later we were eating...
  3. Joe InJersey

    Pepper Stout Beef... SOLD OUT! (Thanks again Larry Wolfe)

    I work the kitchen at my Elks club for NFL sundays. Menu is usually burgers, dogs, wings, bar pizzas, and one "whatever the hell Joe made" special. This was the special for week 2: Pepper Stout Beef (Larry Wolfe's recipe) 4lb. Chuck roast: Cut into 3 ugly steaks. Seasoned with sea salt...

