
  1. Geir Widar

    Mountain pig the Arctic way

    I got hold of some pieces of meat from "Mountain pigs". These are quite normal Norwegian pigs, but with a small twist. At springtime, the two months old pigs are transported up into the mountains in Valdres, Norway, a 1000 meters above sea level. There they live during the long summer days...
  2. Geir Widar

    First thread in some time, tuna and chops

    Long time no see, me posting pictures. Now I can move somewhat without my crutches, and I’d like to show you a few pictures of one of my latest cooks. I’ts nothing fancy, just a tuna salad and some chops. This automatic stirrer got quite a bashing in a thread on the old forum, because it was...
  3. Geir Widar


    I've been abroad, to Wolgast's country. That's all my chrutches will allow me to travel this summer. In a freezer in exotic Sweden I found a piece of python snake, and I just had to buy it, even if the asking price was a bit high. 50 dollars a pound. I've searched the interwebs for some sort...

