
  1. OliverLeveritt

    My Little Meteorite

    Three point something pound chuck, dry brined w/ 9 grams sea salt then air dried for 42 hours due to schedule conflict the previous day. Added black pepper before smoking. S&P Only. WSM 14. Dry wrapped pan. B&B briquettes. B&B Post Oak chunks. 250° - 260°. @ 2 hrs, hard stall and reverse...
  2. Tony R

    I apologize...... Just had to share

    I apologize for not having a weber involved in this cook. Maribel made birria and it was her best ever. Here's how it went last night. Start with 2.5 pounds of chuck steak Here are the ingredients. All in our Dutch oven over medium heat. 5 bay leaves, 1/2 onion,1 tsp of oregano,1tsp of...
  3. Joe InJersey

    Pepper Stout Beef... SOLD OUT! (Thanks again Larry Wolfe)

    I work the kitchen at my Elks club for NFL sundays. Menu is usually burgers, dogs, wings, bar pizzas, and one "whatever the hell Joe made" special. This was the special for week 2: Pepper Stout Beef (Larry Wolfe's recipe) 4lb. Chuck roast: Cut into 3 ugly steaks. Seasoned with sea salt...

