beer can chicken

  1. C

    beer can chicken

    What are your preferences on selection of beer for beer can chicken. I myself am a Ipa guy. I did get a "make my own 6pack "with a variety of styles. I'm using a Cajun rub on one, and a brown sugar bourbon on the other. I do have some Kentucky Bourbon Barrel ale I could use also.
  2. AlexD

    Smoke Weekend #5 - Beer Can Chicken

    Hello All! Ok my 5th weekend with the WSM! This weekend was Beer-can-chicken. The day started with a trip to home depot! Plus I got a massive bag of wood for 75% off! Used the McCormick Sweet and Spicy Rub on the Chicken! Next for the Beer! Goodlife Brewing out of Bend, OR. Sweet A's...
  3. M

    Pork Lion Ribs w/ Beer Can Chicken

    This Sunday I am planning on smoking 3 slabs of pork lion ribs and 2 beer can chickens. The ribs will be directly on the top grate of my 18.5 WSM, with the chicken on the bottom. I plan to use two chucks of apple and one of cherry with temperatures between 225° and 250° (closer to the higher...
  4. T

    Thoughts on brining whole chicken for beer car chix?

    Would love to get thoughts on the pros or cons on brining whole chicken for some beer can chicken. I have some Cajun butter I plan on using with the chicken as well. Opinions and feedback are greatly appreciated. Happy cookin' Taylor
  5. T

    First Beer Can Chicken

    Dear Board, I did my first Beer Can Chicken tonight. I wasn't perfect, it needed a few more minutes on the OTG according to SWMBO, so I had to trudge back outside and give it a bit more time. The dog and I would have eaten it as it was, but once completed to her satisfaction it was very good...
  6. K

    Smoking in 108° weather!

    Hey everyone, my first photo post as a new member. We had a very hot day in California's central valley and I began to wonder if I'd even need charcoal. ;) For a family get-together of 30 people I settled on 12 racks of St. Louis and 6 whole beer-butt chickens. Memphis dry rubbed the ribs...

