Dan Leighton
I added the smoker/ grill insert to my Genesis this spring to do low and slow ribs. Only problem is you can only run the rear burner to keep the temps down. To start the smoker, I've run all 3 burners at full tilt. Once the smoke starts, I turn off the front 2 burners. The wood catches fire in the insert which I can knock down with a spray bottle in the smoker insert. I add more wood chips and things start great. Only problem is after awhile only the rear chips (over the burner) continue to smoke. I've tried twice with ribs with an average time of 4-5.5 hours. First was under cooked, but had smoke ring. Second batch was overcooked. Great grill, but I must be doing something wrong. Great grill for everything else. Should I just get a separate smoker?
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