Thermoworks Pro-Series and ET-72/73 Compatibility?



New member
Recently took my Heatermeter out of winter storage for use today, and swapped out my old ET-72/73 air probe thermistor for a Thermoworks Pro-Series one (TX-1003X-AP). I changed the probe coefficient preset to the TX-1001X-OP. However, when I try to plug in my ET-72/73 probes for the meat into any of the Probe 1/Probe 2/Probe 3 slots, the air probe gets disabled, and registers as not detected. The ET-72/73 will read temp just fine, but the air probe will not. As soon as I unplug the food probe, air probe starts working just fine. I was wondering if there's some sort of compatibility issue between the TX-1001X-OP and the ET-72/73? Do I need to buy a matching set of Thermoworks Pro-series food probes to be compatible with the air probe?

Also (not sure if it's normal), on the "Probe Setup" page, when nothing but the thermistor is plugged in, Probe 1 is disabled, while Probe 2 and 3 are present. I can't seem to enable Probe 1, as the save will not work.
If your HM has been in storage and now it is acting odd and you cant save settings I would try re-seating the SD card and making sure the boards are mated well. I would pull the rPi from the HM, pull the SD card from the rPi, then put it all back together and see if it works properly.
Gave that a go, didn't seem to make any difference. The inability to save only seems to happen when plugging in the TX-1001X-OP air probe with the ET-72/73 food probe. If I plug in the ET-72/73 food probes with my old ET-72/73 air probe, the whole system seems to work as normal. Perhaps something odd with my new thermistor?
So, if you unplug the air probe you can set that probe to the TWorks preset and save, and after a reboot the settings are still there?... but if you plug in that probe and change the settings they will not save? That is really odd! I can't think of a reason a probe would cause this behavior, if the coefficients are wrong the temp would read wrong or perhaps the probe wouldn't register at all, but causing the HM logic to fail, I can't explain why that would happen. Does the same thing happen if you plug the air probe into another port on the HM?
A thermistor is a device that changes resistance when it changes temperature, the change in voltage drop due to the change in resistance is how the HM registers the temperature. I guess there is a chance you have a defective probe where the resistance is unusually low and that is flaking the HM out? That is all I can come up with. Maybe you should check out the air probe with a multimeter set in resistance mode, heat and cool the probe and observe how the resistance changes, compare to another TW pro probe if you have one.
I ordered two other Thermoworks probes and they came in today. I plugged those in with the thermoworks air probe, and everything works just fine! Plugging in those probes with my old air probe works just fine as well. Very odd all around. Thanks for the help!

