Skyline 3200 platinum questions.



New member

Happy Friday! I'm a new weber fan and I'm considering purchasing this Skyline. It looks to be in great shape, excepting no photos of the interior. My question is about the tank connector. I've seen a few posts here about changing it, but it seems opinions vary from full replacement including manifold to a simple change of connection valve. I'm handy but have no experience with propane, I don't want to get in over my head.

Sidenote, I have two $20.00 Genesis two burner grills in the back, both need overhauling...I was thinking frankensteining the two together or fully refurbishing both and giving one to my son who is buying his first home.
Like LMichaels showed you that will work to get you the current style of fitting for the grill and it's easy to do. But in reality that regulator is over 15-20 years old. If it was me I would just take the old regulator and hose off at the manifold and get a replacement with the current style. Cost a little more but might save money in the long run.
Also those tanks cannot be refiled or recertified, they are not equipped with an OPD device which is now required by law.
If you get your gas by exchanging tanks just trade those in and you will get the correct current tank and valve connection.
Well darn, it's gone. Still, thanks for the info on replacing the manifold and valve. I have a feeling I'll be doing that soon on at least one of these basket cases. Have a great weekend!
Nice work! Yeah, I'm bummed. For the record, I had left a voice mail message in the morning, I called again later and he said it sold early morning. I'm quite experienced with Craigslist, that's how it goes!
(There's a SS table Performer on there too, it looks like it's sitting out in a pasture in probably rough shape. But they gotta be out of their minds on the price. Thinking about lowballing though.)

