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  1. H

    Garlic Grilled Pork Tenderloin

    Trying this but don't have the white wine vinegar. Using rice vinegar. I hope it works out. Henry Jr
  2. H

    Brining frozen meat and poultry

    If you take pork tenderloin or chicken breasts/turkey out of the freezer to thaw, can you start brining them right away? Will the brining effect work as usual or is it inhibited while the meat is frozen?
  3. H

    Thawing chicken breasts quickly

    Thanks for the tips. The aluminum pan suggestion is quite interesting. I ended up using combination of running water and soaking, pulled them apart ASAP. All was well in the end. Thanks, Henry
  4. H

    No. 5 Sauce

    Has anyone tried this on chicken breasts? If so, was it ok?
  5. H

    Thawing chicken breasts quickly

    Hi all, I have to thaw some boneless, skinless chicken breast as quickly as possible. I'm not a big fan of just sticking them in the microwave because they often start to cook. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, H
  6. H

    Thanks for some great grub and good times

    Nothing like good ol', heart-felt, sincere, honest and genuine drunken' posting, "eh"? LOL LOL Seriously... I feel the same as Dan E. Had an OTS for a few years... been learning and enjoying and then discovered this site. Great stuff! H Jr. PS - "I love you guys man"....LOL
  7. H

    Dropped my OTG lid tonight

    In my 3rd or 4th year of ownership of my OTS I noticed a good "ding" in the lid. Not sure how it happened. Certainly doesn't affect it's performance and has been the subject of much discussion. Certainly a "value added". I'd never consider replacing it. Badge of honor, war wound, battle...
  8. H

    Performer on a deck

    I believe the line is... "I have the right to remain silent".... LOL Been using my 22.5 Silver on my pressure treated lumber deck for about 5 years. Have the battle scars to prove it. Will be doing to repairs in the next month or two and will try to post some picks. Fortunately, nothing...

