Search results

  1. C

    Large cook report - 180 people

    A few weeks ago I was asked to provide the main course for a large group of people at our church. I've done this same cook in the past and they wanted the smoked pulled pork again. I thought I'd report here just what it took and how I did it. Diners - 180 people (90 couples) ages from 35 to...
  2. C

    Death by Bacon

    I forgot to share this when I did it, but I figure its never too late to show off (or admit to) your smoking events. I saw this as just a picture posted on a friend's web page and decided to try it. I've since found that there's a whole web site devoted to such things...
  3. C

    First time smoking for 250 people

    I was asked by my church to smoke pulled pork for a social dinner this weekend, approximately 250 people. Mostly couples between 45 and 70. It's just me and my trusty WSM doing the cooking. I'm smoking 4 butts at a time, and accelerating the cooks by smoking for 4 to 6 hours. Then I pull the...

