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  1. M

    WSCG - Fire coming around diffuser plate

    The title says it all. I've noticed I've been getting flames around the plate. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? These flames throw off my low and slow cooking and are not welcome Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks Mark
  2. M

    Dome Temp vs Maverick Probe temp

    I am doing my first pork butt on a new Weber Summit Charcoal Grill The dome thermometer is in the smoking zone - about 225* but the Maverick (in the front of the grate) is telling me it is about 250-260* I moved from a 22 1/2 Weber kettle and I used to have the Maverick set so I could snooze and...
  3. M

    Weber summit vs big green egg

    I'm looking at both. Anyone here with experience with the New weber summit?

