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  1. S

    Smoked Meatloaf

    About halfway through (hour and a half). Done and going in a warm oven to hold.
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    Smoked Meatloaf

    Going in the WSM 14.5.
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    Smoked Meatloaf

    With all that's going on we still have to eat. Decided to cook a smoked meatloaf based on the "Old Man Jim's Meatloaf" recipe from the forum. It's been a while since I cooked it and I don't know why I waited so long. Sorry no plated pics. I gave most of it away to someone that needed a home...
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    Smoked Meatloaf Take #1

    Took a stab at smoked meatloaf last night. I was planning to do it on Sunday, but the weather here wasn't having it. I used the "Old Man Jim's Meatloaf" recipe from this thread: I followed the recipe pretty...
  5. S

    Ribs on the 4th

    I decided to cook some spares on the 4th. Why? Because I can! Happy birthday America!
  6. S

    Spareribs on the 14.5

    Bottom rack ribs ready after about 4 hours Top rack ribs ready at about 6 hours: Top rack ribs: Didn't get any picks of the finished bottom rack ribs. They were from the "skinny" end of the ribs, which why I think they finished so much earlier. All in all, no my best but still pretty...
  7. S

    Spareribs on the 14.5

    A rib rack was my original plan. I usually don't have to use one b/c I do most of my ribs on the 22.5 WSM. The problem was when the ribs were in the rack on the top shelf the lid hit the ribs when I put in on the smoker. I guess I could have put the rack on the bottom rack of the WSM but that...
  8. S

    Spareribs on the 14.5

    I decided to cook some spares since it's been a while since I've had ribs. A couple of friends are coming over later, so I went with two racks. Usually I use the 22.5 when I do more than one rack, but I didn't feel like firing up the beast today, so I'm giving it a try with the 14.5. It was a...
  9. S

    My 2016 Smoke Day

    Thanks Jim. I posted a few last year but always forget to take pics when I'm cooking. This site is awesome and has helped me greatly with my cooks. I'll try to remember to post more often.
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    PSB and some poppers from Smoke Day (A Day Late)

    My Smoke Day 2016 was a day late, but that's OK. PSB and some poppers. Sorry no plate pics as I took it to friend's house who was celebrating his promotion to Commander (O-5) in the Navy (E-1 to O-5 == AWESOME!!). Thanks and Happy Memorial Day!!!
  11. S

    My 2016 Smoke Day

    My Smoke Day 2016 was a day late, but that's OK. PSB and some poppers. Sorry no plated pics as I took it to friend's house who was celebrating his promotion to Commander (O-5) in the Navy (E-1 to O-5 == AWESOME!!). Thanks and Happy Memorial Day!!!
  12. S

    New 14.5" WSM and beef short ribs

    Sorry. Life sort of got in the way of things tonight. The rib still turned out great. Here are a few shots I was able to get
  13. S

    Scored a 26r today!

    Nice! What ya' gonna cook first?
  14. S

    New 14.5" WSM and beef short ribs

    I used the grommet to clip a temp probe to the rack and also just stuck one so that it is a couple of inches below the rack. I'm really surprised at the different temps. Rack prob registers about 30 - 35 degrees lower than the one below the rack. Maybe I've been cooking at temps higher than...
  15. S

    New 14.5" WSM and beef short ribs

    I got my new 14.5" WMS this week to go along with my 22" WMS and 22" OTG. I didn't think the weather was going to cooperate this weekend, but it cleared up this afternoon, so time to fire her up! Went to the local Farmer's Market, which has a butcher shop, and found some nice short ribs to go...
  16. S

    2nd WSM - 18.5" or 14"?

    Dan, your right it does look pretty small. I'm looking forward to putting her through the paces this weekend!
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    18.5 vs. 22.5 I know its an old question but

    Peter, I bought the 22 WSM about a year and a half ago. I was is the same situation (as far as 18 vs 22) and went with the 22" just to be sure I always had enough room for larger groups. Recently I realized that I wasn't using the WSM as often as I might, solely because I didn't want to fire...
  18. S

    2nd WSM - 18.5" or 14"?

    Well, I pulled the trigger on the 14.5" WSM. I figured that with the 22" WSM I already have I'm covered on volume and the smaller 14.5 WSM will easier to transport and to cook for 1 - 2 than t he 18.5" WSM. It should be here in time to get her ready to go this weekend. Thanks for all the...
  19. S

    New 22" WSM owner. Only 1 cook in, did they upgrade the lid thermometer?

    Agree 100% on Thermoworks. I haven't owned a Maverick to compare, but I've been nothing but pleased with my Thermoworks products. I have a Thermopen (instant read thermometer) and the Handheld model 8060 for BBQ temps. Thermoworks has just introduced a new ThermoQ (model 231-050) but the 8060...
  20. S

    2nd WSM - 18.5" or 14"?

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I'm still trying to make up my mind. In addition to the 22" WSM I do also have a 22" OTG. I've used the OTG for PSB, wings, high heat (indirect) chicken), and very occasionally for ribs, but mostly it gets grilling action. It's just so much easier for me to...

