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  1. Dan CANADA

    Was craving some brats

    I don't know what looks better, the cook or the mountains...
  2. Dan CANADA

    Throwdown #26: Tacos

    Nice entries gents. I just finished eating dinner but am now hungry again. :)
  3. Dan CANADA

    I got some charcoal from Walmart & made some lunch

    I've never seen the double packs in Canada, nor can I explicitly remember kbb going on sale like it does in the US. I'd cross the border for the sale, but after you factor in time, gas, and 80 cents on the dollar, it's cheaper to pay full price.
  4. Dan CANADA

    Nekcihc Edis Daor (Road Side Chicken)

    5 minute commute? I hate you! Chicken looks good though, so it evens out. ;)
  5. Dan CANADA

    Italian Dinner

    This looks delicious! Great cook.
  6. Dan CANADA

    Has anyone tried this to get crispy chicken skin?

    No worries Stan. :) I like your idea though. Next time I cook a whole bird, I'm going to toss it into my outdoor oven (gasser) and crisp the skin up as you had mentioned. I have no problems feeling like I'm cheating so I should be good on that front :) Cheers
  7. Dan CANADA

    Has anyone tried this to get crispy chicken skin?

    Hi Stan, Daryl means that he didn't use water in the water pan, but simply wrapped the water pan in foil, not the chicken. Much as you suspected, I don't think you'd get crispy skin by wrapping the bird. Cheers
  8. Dan CANADA

    Hello from Guelph, Ontario Canada!

    Hi Pete, It's always good to see another canuck on the boards. Enjoy the forums. Cheers
  9. Dan CANADA

    HELP! Ran out of wood chunks

    I obviously don't know your location or plans, but I'd think there are lots of places you could pop out to for chunks. The big BBQ store in Vaughan will definitely have any kind of wood that you're looking for (time permitting). Chips will give some smoke for sure, but need more babysitting...
  10. Dan CANADA

    This happened today

    Hate when that happens... :D
  11. Dan CANADA

    ABT's Appeitzers

    Screw appetizers, I'd eat a plate of those ABTs as an entree.
  12. Dan CANADA

    Weber Performer in Marietta, GA 50.00

    Who says you need a pickup truck when you have a corvette.... :D
  13. Dan CANADA

    Flank Steak New Recipe

    I've never seen anyone peel the bottom of asparagus before. What does this accomplish?
  14. Dan CANADA


    Never heard of that cheese before, but the burgers look delicious!!!
  15. Dan CANADA

    Chipotle Thighs and Corn

    Yum yum yum
  16. Dan CANADA

    Summit- meet everyone! Everyone- meet The Summit

    Nice to meet you Summit! ;)
  17. Dan CANADA

    First EVER brisket (just the flat)

    Nice thighs! Chicken isn't bad either! :P
  18. Dan CANADA

    The wife came home with a surprise

    I see the Steam Whistle opener but where's the brew? ;)
  19. Dan CANADA

    mothers day buffet (pic heavy)

    LOL. Buffet indeed :)

