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  1. C

    Not holding temp

    It has the temp gauge built in to the lid and it typically reads a little below the dual probe thermometer. Temps have rebounded and it is chugging along pretty well. The fuel was getting a little low so I just put some more in. Still can't explain the lull that seems to happen every time though.
  2. C

    Not holding temp

    Thanks for the help guys. I'm burning Kingsford charcoal and it looks fine. The top vent I always leave wide open so when I mentioned the three vents earlier I was referring to the bottom three. It finally came back up but like I said earlier, this phenomena occurs whether I run a clay saucer...
  3. C

    Not holding temp

    Today is the fourth time I've used my 18" WSM. Each time I've had the same issue and I can't figure out what is causing the problem. The first smoke I used water in the pan, the next two I used the flower pot base heat sink, and this time I went back to water in the pan. The first four hours...
  4. C

    Need help with dried out pork

    Thanks guys. Turns out it wasn't nearly as bad as I feared. There were a few dry spots but overall if turned out ok. I don't think I'll be trying another overnighter anytime soon and won't attempt it without water when I decide to give it another go.
  5. C

    Need help with dried out pork

    Tried an overnight for my third smoke with my 18" WSM last night. Temps stabilized quickly at 240* with a foiled pan and ceramic disk but it didn't last. Three hours in temps started dropping on me so I gently stirred the coals and opened up the vents a bit and the temp came back to 240*. I...
  6. C

    Building an enclosure

    Thanks Phil, yours looks really nice! I'm not sure if I could sell my wife on something like what you've got there. She changes her mind and rearranges furniture so often it would driver her nuts! I'm thinking I may be able to line the inside with sheet metal and insulation or welders mat to...
  7. C

    Using my 18" for the first time this weekend, have a few questions

    All in all I'd consider it a success. I was running low on my dry rub so my bark was kind of thin. I also had to take the family to find a Christmas tree and the temp dropped on me down to around 195* for about an hour I'm guessing. The internal tempt dropped from 160* when I left to 154* by...
  8. C

    Using my 18" for the first time this weekend, have a few questions

    Got up at 0530 and got things going. Full ring of unlit with 4 fist sized chunks of hickory stashed in there. Lit half a chimney and started a pot of water heating to just below a boil. The brisket has been on for about 45 minutes now and I'm fighting the rookie temptation to adjust the vents...
  9. C

    Using my 18" for the first time this weekend, have a few questions

    Thanks guys. I'm going to get the brisket on in the morning and plan to have it for dinner Sunday. I won't be lifting the lid more than a couple times as opposed to every hour like I did with my old offset. Definitely going to use water in the pan as recommended. I really appreciate the help...
  10. C

    Building an enclosure

    So I'm thinking about building an enclosure for my 18" WSM and 22" OTG. I'm thinking about using pressure treated posts and cedar siding to match my fence. Something along these lines: The WSM would fit in the left compartment, the OTG on the right and I would have a work surface in the...
  11. C

    Using my 18" for the first time this weekend, have a few questions

    Thanks guys. If I can provide a decent wind break I may smoke it Saturday so we can eat it Sunday. We're having the leftovers from my last brisket for dinner tonight and that'll leave me without any brisket. An absolutely intolerable position to be in.
  12. C

    Using my 18" for the first time this weekend, have a few questions

    My new 18" WSM showed up yesterday. Even though I got roped into 5 hours of overtime and didn't get home until after 11pm last night I couldn't let her sit in the box so I stayed up for awhile and got her put together. My Thermopen and BBQ Guru eyelets showed yesterday and I installed one...

