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  1. T

    Still not smoking *****

    I QUIT ALMOST 6 YEARS AGO. However, I still enjoy the smell of someone smoking (out doors). When I quit, I was smoking 3 packs a day, and smoked for over 40 years. I even dreamed of smoking and somehoe think this helped. They tasted good, even in my dreams. Tom.
  2. T

    Overnite Cook

    Hi, My question is this; I'm doing my 1st brisket and was wondering if this would be a good choice for a overnite cook? I'll be cooking a small flat on the WSM adding spare ribs later in the cook. Thanks, Tom.
  3. T

    1st cook

    Hi all, This weekend(the 14th) I will be doing my 1st cook on my WSM. I'm going to do a 6 lb butt and 2 racks of spare ribs maybe, a fattie. Should I start the butt on the bottom rack so as to make it easier to put on the ribs? Also, what is average time for Ribs? I'm leaning toward 5 hours but...

