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  1. Lloyd Cupiccia

    Wow dit it

    Thanks Michael for the reply. I use a BBQ GURU with the WSM and love it.
  2. Lloyd Cupiccia

    Adding Smoke Daddy

    just bought the SD Magnum and will be installing through the CB stainless steel door. Hmmm cooling chamber sounds interesting for the SD. I thought about just adding ice to the water bowl. If want to share I would love to know what your thoughts are. I love mods too.
  3. Lloyd Cupiccia

    Wow dit it

    Michael, I am doing Turkey this year for the first time. Might I asked what temp did you cook Turkey at? I am going to use the recipe on Amazing I will probably use a vertical roaster too. You said...
  4. Lloyd Cupiccia

    Family Reunion Briskets Complete (All 30 lbs of them)

    Did you foil them? They look incredible. Beautiful bark!!!!
  5. Lloyd Cupiccia

    Family Reunion Briskets Complete (All 30 lbs of them)

    Thinking the same thing.
  6. Lloyd Cupiccia

    RJ from Virginia Beach

    Hi from Seattle.

