Search results

  1. C

    Pork butt -- waiting for that last 5-10 degrees

    Hello all, Just thought I would post about my first pork butt. It is going according to plan so far, using the "Pork Butt Renowned Mr. Brown" as a guide. I have two 8lb butt's in my relatively new WSM, one on the top and one on the bottom racks. I have only done 1 pork loin and 1 whole turkey...
  2. C

    10lb standing rib roast

    Hello all, I am picking up my first weber preformer tonight (Thurs), found it on Kijiji (simular to Craigslist, but more popular here in Canada). I typically do my roasts on my Weber silver C natural gas BBQ. I am doing this roast on Saturday for a dinner party and I would really like to do it...

