Search results

  1. L

    WTB 22.5" WSM Lid

    Hello, I'm interested in a 22.5" WSM lid shipped to the Bay Area. I'd prefer it to be complete with the thermometer but will take what I can get. Do you have an extra? Let's work out a deal! pm me. Thanks!
  2. L

    WTB: 22.5" WSM lid- Bay Area

    Hello, I'm iso a 22.5" wsm lid in good nick. I'd prefer it to have the thermometer as well but that's not a deal breaker. Please pm me with a pics/ price including shipping to the Bay Area. Thanks!
  3. L

    WSM Trifecta complete!

    How is everyone? I got the 18.5" missing from my collection today. I'm so excited and had to share. "E" Wood handles
  4. L

    Buffalo Chicken Lollipops

    Today my fiancee and I made chicken lollipops. Its basically chicken wings where the meat is all one one side, just like a lollipop. The extra work in prep is definitely rewarded when you are eating them. Oour version was battered and fried with panko chips, then dipped in a Buffalo sauce...
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    Stoker LCD Text Pixelation

    Hi, guys! I just got a new-to-me Stoker non-wifi (white box). When scanning through the menus some of the text/letters has extra lit pixels above them. The pixels seem attached to the characters as they are not permanently lit. Anyone else have this problem? I have updated to the latest non-wifi...
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    Berkel hand crank slicer

    I saw one of these for the first time last weekend and I was in awe. Such a beautifully built machine! Anyone have experience with one?
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    4th of july cook

    Hello, Today I am thankful for our forefathers for setting up this great country and for Will Smith for saving us from the alien invasion. Here are some pics from a bbq my friends and I participated in. Leg of Lamb Veggies Mac N' Cheese with Breading "Brisket" I'm still...
  8. L

    Help ID this "Brisket" Cut

    Hello, My buddy made this today for his 4th of july bbq. What is it? It looks like a Tri-tip on top of a Brisket. There is a thick fat layer in between which separated after resting very easily. It was tasty nonetheless! Thanks!
  9. L

    Rib Rack lengthens cooking Times?

    Hi, we had 2 racks of BB's on the mini wsm yesterday and the BB's were on for close to 6 hours. They were still undercooked and stuck to the bone. There was probably an inch of space in between each rack. Is this normal?
  10. L

    Ranch Kettle 1st & 2nd cook + quick review

    Long cross post here from my thread in the Charcoal Forum so please bear with me! How big is the Ranch Kettle? This is my brother, he is about 4.5 feet tall. I was able to transport it in the hatch of my Yukon Denali. It JUST fits without the lid on. I'll upload a pic later. The Ranch...
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    Weber compact in the UK

    Why does this grill exist? its flat version of the 18 or 22. It also seems to have different leg mounts. any ideas on what needs or customer preference Weber is addressing in the UK? here's a link to it:
  12. L

    2 Stl Racks on WSM

    Hey all, here's my Memorial day smoke! The racks turned out pretty well, but the smaller ends were slightly overcooked. Prepping Rubbing WSM among other BBQ projects Loaded. If you look closely you can see the 2nd rack on the bottom grate Fresh Peas as a side Getting...
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    Red Snap on CGA This is sweet! Anyone else ever see one? I never knew the CGA came in colors.
  14. L

    One rack of ribs this weekend

    Hi, I posted this in the bbq'ing forum but realized this was probably a better place. My fiancee made these ribs on the 1880. It was ran with water since we didnt have a thermometer to monitor the heat. Enjoy! Rubbed Setting up Loaded Chugging along Flipped and almost...
  15. L

    Ribs cooking on the WSM

    Hi, I have a rack of ribs on the WSM. It should be done in a few hours. I am running the 1880 without a thermometer so I decided to use water for this cook. I have a few chunks of apple loaded for flavor. Pics when it's done!
  16. L

    Got a Ranch Kettle

    Hello, Thanks to a hot tip from the trading post I got a Ranch Kettle! My fiancee has always been bugging me about getting one but we couldn't swallow the $1300 price tag. She has always wanted to do a whole pig on one. Anyways, I picked it up from Ebay for $125, but it was in IL near my...
  17. L

    Weber lid thermometer shield

    Hi, I just got a SS performer today. I'm pretty excited! I've been wanting one for a while. The aluminum thermometer shield isn't clipped into anything and flops around. There is a small hooked leaf spring on the thermometer side. Is this supposed to go into the hole on the handle? It's a few mm...
  18. L

    Ed Reilly's Weber Collection WOW

    Hi Folks, I am helping Ed Reilly post pics of his collection. He posting in the trading post today about his 1880, and the rarity doesn't stop there! He has the 1880, Garden Kettle, Teal 4 leg SJ, Simpsons SJ, amongst others. Great collection, Ed! Vintage platinum! Ed...
  19. L

    How much is an 1880 worth?

    Hello, I have an 1880 stamped "E" that is complete and has most of the ceramic in tact. I've used it a few times to cook and it's been a blast to use. How much do you think it's worth? I have always considered selling it but probably never will.
  20. L

    DIY smoker from Weber fireplace?!?

    Does anyone have more information about this build? It looks awesome!

