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  1. R


    Hi Jamie, Looking forward to the new book. I really enjoyed Weber's Charcoal Grilling: The Art of Cooking With Live Fire, and reference it often. What would you say is the most essential grilling/smoking/Q-ing skill that one must master to be successful? Thanks -rog
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    Thanksgiving Practice

    Decided to cook my turkey on the kettle this year and did a practice run yesterday. Turned out pretty good and I'm glad I did the trial run. 1. I love turkey and 2. I will tweak a few things for the big day. All brined up and ready to go. Brined in apple juice, sage, rosemary, thyme and...
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    Pizza Question

    Hey Ya'll, We have been doing pizza's on the grill for quite some time now and I feel we make some pretty good pizzas. My only problem is the cheese, I love the fresh mozzarella, I've been using BelGioioso, but it always seems to leave a lot of water on the pizza which makes the crust soggy...
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    Summit 670 Question

    What powers the LED tank scale? I have the battery pack for knob led's removed and the tank scale still works. I don't remember installing any other batteries than the knob lights and handle lights when I assembled the grill. I had a battery problem with the knobs (leaking batteries) and want...
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    Check Your Batteries

    Hey Ya'll, I'm posting this as a PSA...Sunday evening I fired up my S-670 to prepare supper and as is was getting dark I turned on the knob LEDs. Result: the LEDs were very dim and flickered. "No big deal" I thought to myself I'll just change out those old batteries. What I found was that...
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    Hi Kevin, Have you ever done a packer brisket on the OTG? I don't have a WSM, although I do have a smokey joe gold mini wsm, the packer wont fit in it. I was thinking maybe using my 22.5 OTG to cook the brisket. Any tips and techniques to accomplish this would be great. Thanks -rog
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    Jumbo Joe Vent Scratch

    Are there any updates on this issue? I put mine together aware of the issue and still had problems. Despite my best efforts I still suceeded in scratching a ring in the lid down to bare metal. I have read a couple posts where others had issues but the only fix I saw was a fiber washer. Any...
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    Lid Orientation

    Silly question. When using my 22.5 OTG I have my lid handle parallel to the grill handles. That way I stand at the front handle and am able to hang the lid on the right side without covering the handles. I see many pictures however with the lid turned 90 degrees. What your method? -rog
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    Adding Briquets

    I have a question for all the experts. Yesterday I grilled some stuffed shells and green beans on the 22.5 OTG. I put the shells in an aluminum pan with red sauce and mozza cheese. The green beans were olive oiled and salt/peppered and placed in a smaller aluminum pan that I poked holes in to...
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    Saturday Night Supper

    1 1/4 thick Ribeyes Seasoned w/salt and pepper, Snow Crab, and Shrimp. [/IMG] Ok everyone on the grill... [/IMG] Bad pictures, cell phone needs a setting adjustment I guess, pics have a definate red tint to them. Also a few less brews would probably steady the shots :D. But it was a very...
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    Camping With The SJG

    We went camping for my birthday...Yah! Took the mini smoker... [/IMG] and cooked some loin back ribs. Sorry no finished pics but they were awesome. [/IMG] And whats birthday camping without grilled cake? German chocolate mix with reeses cups in the batter, chocolate icing with reeses...
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    Weber Reps

    Just curious, are there any Weber reps or employees on here? -rog
  13. R

    Flames Template For Mini Paint

    I am building two mini's as Christmas gifts and I would like to put a flame job on them. Can anyone tell where to download and print a stencil? Specifically I would like to know where to get the one used here. On edit: Maybe even...
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    1st Pic Post

    Thought I would join in on the pic posting fun. Here's last nights chicken dinner...roto chicken, green beans, corn on the cob, Zucchini, carrots and peppers. -rog

