Search results

  1. B

    SmokeFire conversion to generic pellets?

    As everybody but me seemed to know, the SmokeFire only uses the slightly smaller Weber wood pellets. The SmokeWood is not limited by that. Does anybody know about a way to convert the SmokeFire to be able to use generic pellets?
  2. B

    BBQ Light to attach to SmokeFire and/or Blackstone Griddle

    These short CST evenings are cramping my style/harshing my buzz while trying to cook outdoors. I've tried some headlamps, but most were cheap and didn't last or had very short battery light. My wife bought me a cap with a light in the bill, it just never seems to be pointing in the right...
  3. B

    Weber SmokeFire on Amazon Prime for...

    $475 Buy or nah? Thinking I'd replace my WSM, probably keep my 20 year old Weber kettle for old times sake.
  4. B

    Buying wholesale meat

    It seems to me I read on this site that a restaurant supply company lets Kansas City BBQ Society members buy there. I went to one in Oklahoma City, but cannot for the life of me remember the name of the company. Anybody have any ideas?
  5. B

    I have a Weber rotisserie for my ex-gas grills...

    so my question is: can I use it for my 22" WSM and/or my 22" Weber kettle? If so, can I just buy the steel expander ring?
  6. B

    Hot weather brisket

    ... presents some challenges, but the Weber Smokey Mountain huffed and puffed and got the job done. A little crunchy in places (108 F) when I let the internal temp get to 335 - had to take off the lid and remove the door for a little while - but overall nice moist Choice brisket. @ $2.99 a...
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    Hanging Kits for 22" WSM?

    Does anybody know about and/or used hanging kits for a 22" WSM? I've seen one from LavaLock at Amazon, seems reasonably priced.
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    Cleaning cast iron grates on Spirit 310

    I've had this weber for probably 10+ years. It's gotten to the point where I can't keep the cast iron grates clean, always some nasty carbon residue. Any thoughts, short of sand blasting?

