Search results

  1. Bill D-NC

    Bought the wrong thing . . .

    I was planning to do a little Pepper Stout Beef today but I accidentally bought the wrong cut. I got a Sirloin Tip Roast instead of a Chuck Roast. I had time, so I went back to Publix to get the right thing. D@mn ! ! ! The Tip Roast that I'd bought was $6.00 lb. Chuck Roast was $12 ! ! ! I...
  2. Bill D-NC


    Tonight I'm cooking for the week. Chicken thighs, Pork Tenderloin, and some Italian Sausage and Brats after they come off. BD
  3. Bill D-NC

    Dino Bones

    Dug a couple of Chuck Plates out of the freezer. Just some simple S/P/G and about 6 hours on the 26er with the SnS. Always a fan favorite ! ! BD
  4. Bill D-NC

    A Tale of Two Meats

    It’s 45º out, so I should be smoking cheese, right? I will get around to trying that one of these days. But today I’m staying a little closer to my wheelhouse. I was at Sam’s Friday and picked up a 4 lb. chuck and an 8 lb. butt. So, I got the 26er loaded up KBB in the SnS and some apple...
  5. Bill D-NC

    Pork Burnt Ends (PBE)

    I bought a couple of packages of Country Style Ribs at Sam's. I cooked up one pack at my daughter's and was planning to cook up the others this week at home. Then I remember that I'd been planning to try out some Pork Burnt Ends, and half the butchering has already been done ! ! ! So, I cubed...
  6. Bill D-NC

    Big Beef Bones

    I have to thank Lynn Dollar. He did those short ribs last week and I just could not get those pictures out of my head. So, I pulled a couple of racks of Chuck Ribs out and rubbed them down with some of Rod Gray's Most Powerful Stuff yesterday. Here they are getting ready to go on the 26er...
  7. Bill D-NC

    Speaking of Red

    I ran across this on Amazon today . . . . The Copper & Green were both $399.00 w/free shipping. BD
  8. Bill D-NC

    WSM in need of TLC

    Back when I was competing in KCBS with my son-in-law, I bought a second WSM. I did brisket and ribs, he did pork and one of his friends (the one with the travel trailer!) did chicken. His friend built a cart for them to make them easier to move and set up. Now that we aren't competing, I...
  9. Bill D-NC

    Myella (short for My Paella-Pic heavy)

    The ingredients are a bit different and I know that I’m not using the right pan, but this a favorite around here and, I think, worth a try. I usually do a combination of sausage, chicken, and shrimp and use chicken stock, but this one was for Good Friday so I got some big Argentinian Red...

