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  1. Mark Silver

    Anyone eat snails?

    A medium (~5”) sea moon snail shell I collected from the tidal flat beach when I lived next to Puget Sound in Edmonds, WA. I had one almost twice as big but I gave it to my friend’s daughter. Most shells are empty when I find them, but not always. I don’t think they’re considered safe to eat...
  2. Mark Silver

    Anyone eat snails?

    As I recall, to me, they taste like tasteless gummy bears or unbreaded calamari coated with a delicious garlic butter sauce.
  3. Mark Silver

    Q100 refresh

  4. Mark Silver

    Anyone eat snails?

    What he said!
  5. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  6. Mark Silver

    Foil pans and pellet grills-when, where, why, how

    My setup for low and slow on my pellet grill is a heavy duty extended hinged leg rack inside a disposable aluminum pan (for easy cleanup) inside a baking sheet that exactly fits the disposable pan for sturdiness. I use this method for everything but jerky on the pellet grill. I have a 3 tier...
  7. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

    I think I’m a victim of circumference.
  8. Mark Silver

    Prime Rib on sale

    I smoke a prime rib on the pellet grill (Memphis Pro) several times a year. They always receive top ratings from the guests who get to induldge.
  9. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

    Don’t think too hard about it………………………………….(DING DONG the witch is dead.)
  10. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  11. Mark Silver

    Today's Conditions

    Warm and sunny here the last few days. Weather prediction starting tomorrow is rain and snow all next week until sunny again a week from Sunday. All 4 seasons in one week!
  12. Mark Silver

    Today's Conditions

  13. Mark Silver

    Spring is here

    Weather confusion around these parts, too.
  14. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

    I had a Japanese Jr. High School friend named Curtis Ohara, except on St. Patrick’s Day when he changed his name to Curtis O’Harrah.
  15. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  16. Mark Silver

    It’s a good day to play two!

    What a feast!
  17. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  18. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

  19. Mark Silver

    The Humor Thread

