Search results

  1. J

    Steak of the Month

    I tried to be authentic, so I added pommes frites and haricots verts to my French bistro steak. A glass or two of French wine made this a perfect meal.
  2. J

    Steak of the Month

    Sorry about the lack of results pictures for my Picanha. I came down with something the weekend I was going to cook, so the meat went into the freezer. I'm planning on cooking a Brazilian-style feast later this month. Here's October's Steak of the Month. If you guessed "20oz Hanger Steak"...
  3. J

    Ode to the 70's Steakhouse

    Robert, That's not just a memory where I'm from. Saturday is still prime rib night at Wisconsin supper clubs. I do believe your results look better than I can find in a restaurant. Jim
  4. J

    Brazilian Picanha with Garlic

    Jerome, I was just directed to your posts, I didn't find them earlier because I spelled it "Pichana." I got a Picanha/Pichana today in my Steak of the Month deal, and am debating how to cook it. Do you prefer it whole or in the smaller pieces? Your results look perfect. I hope to do as well...
  5. J

    Steak of the Month

    I'll post pics, but don't think I can out-do Jerome. His Picanha looks perfect.
  6. J

    Steak of the Month

    Bob, You are good. It IS the rump cap, but only the fat cap part.
  7. J

    Steak of the Month

    The package says "Steak of the Month" and "$0.00." It's a Pichana, the Brazilian Steakhouse Cut.
  8. J

    Steak of the Month

    The other side.
  9. J

    Steak of the Month

    What the ???
  10. J

    Meet George Jetson............

    Don't let my son see this.
  11. J

    Borrowing a 22 WSM until December (Baltimore, MD)

    You should check the details on the grilling restrictions. I lived in a place that said grills could not be used within 20 feet of any structure - it was an ordinance. So I got out my tape measure and set up my WSM in a parking space. Otherwise, loan it out. It's cheaper than selling it and...
  12. J

    Towering T-Bone

    Jim - How are you cooking The Beast? I had some trouble with my Tennis Racket Ribeye. I could not figure out how many minutes per side was enough. I think I went 8 and had to throw it back on the grill. Have you thought about a reverse sear? Jim
  13. J

    Performer $75 Raleigh,NC

    Tempting. Any idea what the aluminum thing is on rack under the kettle.
  14. J

    Weber Ranch Grill - $400 (Des Plaines)

    Can we crowd-source Lampe?
  15. J

    Weber Ranch Grill - $400 (Des Plaines)

    Hey Jim, can you pick that up and store it at the P1Gvilion until I can get it?
  16. J

    Steak of the Month

    Jim, There's one near Racine that we've been to. I'll be sure to invite you next time we go. I've decided that Wisconsin supper clubs and bars with Friday Fish-fries are my favorite places to eat. They may not have the greatest food in the world, but there is something very comfortable about...
  17. J

    Correll Inspired Cook

    I love your Packers Squash! Just in time for the Family Night game.
  18. J

    Steak of the Month

    It's August! Time for my next SOTM. This time it's tri-tip with "Legendary Signature Marinade." I hope it tastes better than it looks. The tri-tip only weighed 2 pounds, it almost looks like a filet in the picture below. I decided to cook the tri-tip using a reverse sear with a piece of an...
  19. J

    Anyone been watching BBQ with Franklin on PBS?

    Thanks Chris. I'll watch it again and look for clues.
  20. J

    Anyone been watching BBQ with Franklin on PBS?

    Franklin's Competition episode showed up on my DVR this week. I thought it was hilarious. Lots of KCBS bashing and Franklin adapting his barbecue to meet his perception what the judges were looking for. He did not get a call and said something about being in the middle of the pack. Does anyone...

