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  1. J

    And Now For something Completely Useless!!

    I gotta get one! That is awesome. How many fools do you think will use these on there indoor range? I expect many lawsuits.
  2. J

    Best Breweries in the US.

    Here's a list of the Top 10 brewpubs. Titletown was rated #1. It's been a while since I was there, but I was always impressed with the food as well the beer.
  3. J

    A Not So Happy St Patricks Day

    I'm so sad to hear this Clark. Best wishes on your new start. Jim
  4. J

    Some Big Squirrels in Mr. Lampe’s Wisconsin

    Jim, Count me in for one of those Bison ribeyes. Jim
  5. J

    A sure sign of spring

    And another sign. UPDATE: Bison on the loose in Kenosha County Good thing no one we know lives near there.
  6. J

    2016 New Weber Products

    Chris is silent on this thread. I speculate that he already received a prototype of the Weber X and signed a nondisclosure agreement.
  7. J

    recommend any good movies that are streaming on Netflix?

    Sean - Thank you. I just watched the pilot.
  8. J

    18# Usda Choise XMas rib roast: SORRY for doing that!

    Enrico - That is as perfect as perfect gets for my tastes.
  9. J

    Steak of the Month

    Chuck - These are certainly better quality than the stuff I usually buy at the grocery store.
  10. J

    Steak of the Month

    My final Steak of the Month for 2016 was a 16 oz. USDA Prime Strip Steak. It was a really nice looking piece of meat. I decided to use my BGE to grill this steak. I haven't used the BGE much lately because it is a relative pain to use and I had forgotten how hot the fire can get. The...
  11. J

    recommend any good movies that are streaming on Netflix?

    I recently purchased the Amazon Fire Stick and have been watching the Amazon Original Series. All the Amazon series are beautifully produced and filmed, and it is apparent that large budgets were available for the programs. Here's a rundown of the shows that I've sampled. I started by watching...
  12. J

    Steak of the Month

    I added melted blue cheese butter and a fine beverage to complete my meal. The strip portion of this steak was the best I have had in a long time. NY strip was always my favorite, but lately they seem to by tough and gristly. This strip was tender and delicious, no chewy parts whatsoever. I...
  13. J

    Steak of the Month

    Grilled steak on sizzling platter. Steakhouse sides: Twice baked potatoes and buttered green beans with slivered almonds and garlic. ;
  14. J

    Steak of the Month

    20 oz. Porterhouse for November. Although the smallish filet may qualify this as a T-bone. I dry-aged this for a couple day, which accounts for the lines on the meat. I'm going for a Steakhouse-style dinner, so I started with a wedge salad.
  15. J

    End of auto lease buying option

    Any car salesmen here? I recently executed my option to buy a truck I was leasing at lease end. The day of the transaction was confusing and upon reviewing the Title today, I am even more confused. The lease contract specified that I would pay the residual value, plus a $300 Purchase Option...
  16. J

    Steak of the Month

    Brad - The steaks are from a boutique butcher shop in NC. The have a nice selection dry aged beef. I'm looking at 3 inch filet or maybe a prime rib roast from there. Jerome - I haven't used my rotisserie in a long time, so I had trouble timing my cooking. I checked after 30 minutes and was at...
  17. J

    Steak of the Month

    Off the grill... And on the plate... That was as good as at any Brazilian Steak House. We just didn't get the variety of meats.
  18. J

    Steak of the Month

    Back to the Future week means it's time for my September Steak of the Month. Left to right is Pichana with garlic-rosemary paste, shallot-pepper paste, and Weber Chicago Steak Seasoning.
  19. J

    Weber gas kettle grill (West Chicago)

    Best offer? How does that work on CL?
  20. J

    Steak of the Month

    Stephen - I topped the meat with bacon & blue cheese butter (not shown).

