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  1. M

    Howdy ya'll from San Antonio Texas!

    Hi Walter. Hard to say why it may have been dry. May have been the cut of meat was rather lean, which may have been a factor, especially if it was rather thin and most of the fat had been trimmed.
  2. M

    Hello form Shasta, CA

    Hi Mike, my performer would likely say the same thing, as I barely use it as opposed to the 26. I typically only use the performer now for the gas start to get the chimneys going.
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    Mike B from Apopka,Fl

    Welcome Mike
  4. M

    Hello from Chicago NW suburbs

    Welcome Dave. Keep in mind during your restore that Weber has their part store in Palatine, should you need stuff. Been awhile since I have been there, but they stock nearly everything
  5. M

    My first Beef Clod

    I think I will also have to try a chuck roll, as have not done one before. I made 2 more clods last week, along with 6 pork butts. Unfortunately, I did not capture any pictures (I'll blame it on the heat and beer). I did tweak the rub I used for those two, by adding some Chili Powder...
  6. M

    22.5” WSM, need room in the garage!

    Well, I will at least try to keep the thread near the top by inquiring about the copper fittings and pump. Is this a mod so you do not have to open to fill, or just fittings and a pump?
  7. M

    Cooking in bulk

    I pity the poor church groups and Boy Scouts. At least the scouts may earn a survival badge
  8. M

    Flame Boss 300 temp probes

    No, you can’t post directly. Here is the link on the site that explains posting. I think my question was answered by FB today, when I made contact with them. They confirmed that it was a change in design. They are sending replacement...
  9. M

    Flame Boss 300 temp probes

    I got an email from Flame Boss this morning, and subsequently had a phone conversation with them. They confirmed it is a design change, and the probes I received are a new design. Here is the email I received: “Hi Mark, Sorry to hear you had an issue with your meat probe pulling apart when...
  10. M

    Looking for shipping advice for a large heavy object, box, shipper, etc

    Bob, if the box is equally important, then I would likely pack in a crate, as opposed to putting in another box, or even strapping to a pallet. Found this online, not sure how close to you it is, but it is Saint Louis area.
  11. M

    Looking for shipping advice for a large heavy object, box, shipper, etc

    I think it is also important to understand if the box it is currently packed in, is as important as the smoker inside. Looks like original packaging, so I do not know if Chris is wanting to keep that also. May want to look at websites such as If there is flexibility on time, then...
  12. M

    Flame Boss 300 temp probes

    Thanks Craig. Your description is pretty much how I fed them thru. As this was the 1st time using this, really did not pay much attention to the quality of the probe, until after I saw the exposed wires. Then compared the ones I received against the pics of the probes that are on the FB website...
  13. M

    Cooking in bulk

    Paul, I applaud your ambition in trying to take on such an event. I am not sure that you have really developed a sound business plan, to ensure you have really worked out the details. Figuring out what your plate costs are going to be, how much help you may need, labor costs (payroll, taxes...
  14. M

    Kettle Fried Chicken on a Hot Night

    Thanks for sharing. That looks delicious. Love the slaw.
  15. M

    Flame Boss 300 temp probes

    I bit the bullet and ordered FB 300. Have to say, I am halfway thru 1st cook, and so far I have been really impressed with the performance. Only issue is the temp probes that came with it. These probes appear to be different than the ones that I see pictured on their website, and others I have...
  16. M

    First try - What did I do wrong??

    Hi Paul, I sent you a PM with my contact info, I’m up in the Chicago area. Feel free to reach out, be happy to share insights or answer questions. The thermometer you ordered will likely help, as opposed to the grill thermometer. The advice I have given some of my friends who have started...
  17. M

    My first Beef Clod

    Hi Dan, in some of the videos I have seen, some do inject the meat. As this was my 1st time cooking, wanted to try it without injecting. Ballistic bbq has a couple of videos out there where he shows the injection he uses. When I cook them this weekend, I may experiment with injecting one...
  18. M

    My first Beef Clod

    This weekend I smoked a beef clod for the 1st time. It was a test run for an event I am doing next weekend where I am cooking for 150+. Already planning on doing 6-8 pork shoulders, but wanted to do beef as well. Contemplated brisket, but given the price point of the clod, thought I would...
  19. M

    Chris Lilly's Six-time World Championship Pork Shoulder injection and rub

    thanks Chris. I realized after I made the post that I actually have the book and should have looked at it before I posted. I have not made that one as of yet, but certainly going to have to try it here in the near future. thanks, Mark
  20. M

    Chris Lilly's Six-time World Championship Pork Shoulder injection and rub

    Dave, am I reading that right- a half cup of cayenne? I am not sure my intestines would ever forgive me. thanks, Mark

