Search results

  1. M

    Offer Up in chicago.

    Here is what he said relative to the inside. “Grates are good gas tubes decent little rust one tube as small crack but decent shape ”. trying to get him to send some pics of the inside.
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    Offer Up in chicago.

    The post indicates that it is missing the hose from tank to grill. Difficult to come by or fairly common? Just for for kicks I just messaged the guy, and it is still available.
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    Offer Up in chicago.

    Just saw this if anyone is interested. i know there are many on here that collect, and this looked fairly clean/reasonable, but I may be wrong as I know nothing about the gassers.
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    Vintage Performer or new style performer?

    I have the stainless one and I love it. It does have the 5lb propane tank which is refillable. I have not seen them for exchange. I dont use use the charcoal bin for storing charcoal anymore, so it really isnt an issue. I do use it to hold the brushes/scrapers for the grates and
  5. M

    Need some expertise on a thermometer.

    I agree with both Tim’s. The good news is that this is an area where there many more options than existed years ago. The bad news is this makes making a decision even more difficult and it is evolving quickly- very similar to cell phones. Over the years I have collected many- usually not...
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    The forgotten Weber Flame 27000 Fireplace/Fire Pit

    This popped up in Chicago area. I contacted her, and scheduled to see it tonight. Propane tank is included, per the seller. Not sure if $125 is reasonable, ideally, would like it to be more in the $75 range...
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    Upcoming Big Cook - Two Questions

    Your numbers are likely more accurate. I have never weighed after a cook, so I may be understating. Normally, I would do 10-12 shoulders every July 4th. This year, I only did 6, as I also did some beef. Never have had a shortage of food, sauce or beers- that may explain why the memory may...
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    Upcoming Big Cook - Two Questions

    I have done 6 in my 22 a few times. They have all been overnight cooks, typically getting the meat on between 10-12 at night. In all of them, I did use full water pans, as I did not have an atc at the time. With an atc, I don’t think you should encounter significant change in cooking time...
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    Deep freeze shut down, did I lose the meat?

    This is a difficult one to answer, as there are many variables such as how long it was out before you noticed and how warm was the inside of the freezer. The “danger” zone for food is between 40-140F. Meat should not be left at room temp for greater than 2 hours. Even if the inside of the...
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    Meat Them

    Maverick also makes a rotisserie thermometer the ET 75. Never used it, but may also be an option for you. Looks like $47 on Amazon.
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    Stephen: How Is It Pronounced?

    It is Steven. Here is a video from the Weber website where they say his name.
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    Tri tip cooked to 210

    Given those circumstances I suppose I might. I have never cooked for 2, it has always been a minimum of 4, and typically it ends up being at least 10-12.
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    Tri tip cooked to 210

    I suppose one could cook a tri tip like a brisket, but the question to me would be why would I want to? The tri tip is already a good piece of meat, whereas the brisket benefits from the longer cook and higher finish temp to make it a more tender cut. I am sure there are other less expensive...
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    May I brag just a little - first brisket

    That looks really good. Congrats on doing your 1st one.
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    2 Smokers or Just 1?

    I agree with Len. Should all fit on the 18with no issue. I would also put the smaller ones on top
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    Looking for shipping advice for a large heavy object, box, shipper, etc

    Tom Hanks did. Course, we all know how long it took for that package to arrive. I imagine it may show up with a face painted on it also..
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    Weber ranch on Craigslist chicago

    Listed for $200 per the posting
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    Smoked Salmon/cod....

    Thank you for bumping this. I think I am definitely going to have to put this on the must do list soon.
  19. M

    Help Please, Need Info on a Weber One Touch Platinum Charcoal Grill

    The handle appears to be on the front of the lid, as this has the lid holder on the back. On mine that have the lid holders, there is a metal rod that connects to the pieces that look like thread bobbers on the back. Those appear to be missing in the pic, but it may be that the table cut outs...
  20. M

    The forgotten Weber Flame 27000 Fireplace/Fire Pit

    One currently for sale in Chicago area on Craigslist. Started at $500 about 3 weeks ago, currently at $400

