Search results

  1. Larry D.

    Some baby backs

    Very nice! I have two racks of baby backs in the freezer, and now I'm feeling performance anxiety.😬
  2. Larry D.

    Some of us are still making Heatermeters

    Can you set the router to assigning a static IP address?
  3. Larry D.

    Automate your WSM?

    I have been using one of the original Stoker temperature controllers since they first came out. The Stoker, and the stokerlog software I use to control it, are both discontinued relics, but they still work, and let me monitor and control the cook without having to go outside and walk the fifty...
  4. Larry D.

    Royal Oak Super-Size Ridge Charcoal Briquets - 10lb Bag

    I tried it again today, cooking drumsticks with the Vortex. It's worse than I remember. What I have left will be used for hot dogs and burgers, and I won't buy any more. Tomorrow I'm heading to Academy Sports to stock up on B&B lump. Life is too short to cook on bad charcoal.
  5. Larry D.

    Old Phone

    1951 calendar. I wonder how much they were charging for a gallon of heating oil back then.
  6. Larry D.

    Have 4 Webers and find the quality and service to be going down hill.

    Feel free. I'd offer you a photo of the old, damaged lid but I gave it away years ago.
  7. Larry D.

    Have 4 Webers and find the quality and service to be going down hill.

    I'm sure everyone has a favorite Weber customer service story. Here's mine: at least 15 years ago I bought a green 22" kettle from one of those "unclaimed freight" stores. The lid had several places where the porcelain had been badly chipped, but the price was right, so I took it. I called Weber...
  8. Larry D.

    Indoor/Outdoor HDTV Antenna with Mast

    I have toyed with the idea of building a Gray-Hoverman antenna, but have not yet done it.
  9. Larry D.

    Old Phone

    My mom had a rotary phone on the kitchen wall up until about five years ago. It was the only phone in the house when I was growing up. We had no phone at all until I was in elementary school. Our first phone number was 6138. Four digits.
  10. Larry D.

    Small tool set at Lowes $10 today (1/20) only

    Rebuilding a grill? This may come in handy. Or put one in every car.
  11. Larry D.

    Wolfe Pit strikes again

    Pepper Stout Beef... it has been on my "to do" list for too long. I think this would be perfect while watching a football game around New Year's Day.
  12. Larry D.

    Apple Pie

    I swear I can almost smell that. Beautiful!
  13. Larry D.

    Vortex wings

    If you have a pair of the Weber charcoal baskets you can approximate the effect of a vortex, which I did several times before buying one.
  14. Larry D.

    Lost my impact driver

    Mark the handle of the new one in some way so that when you find the old one (and you will) you'll know it's the one you lost, and not the new one you bought. ;)
  15. Larry D.

    Wings were on sale

    It's hot, but not too hot to fire up the grill.
  16. Larry D.

    Royal Oak Super-Size Ridge Charcoal Briquets - 10lb Bag

    Here is what remained after I let the coals burn out overnight. All of these crumbled into white ash when touched, so this charcoal created a lot of ash. Again, I'd buy it if it was cheap, and use it for wings, burgers, and hot dogs.
  17. Larry D.

    Hello from North Carolina

    Welcome! I promise not to bring up Eastern NC vs Western NC vs Lexington if you promise not to bring up Carolina Blue vs Wolfpack Red.
  18. Larry D.

    Royal Oak Super-Size Ridge Charcoal Briquets - 10lb Bag

    I cooked ribs with this charcoal earlier this week. It seemed to give off more white smoke in the beginning than the B&B charcoal I've been using, but once it got up to temperature (275) it wasn't bad. This was about a 5-hour cook at 275 degrees, and consumed about half of a full ring of...
  19. Larry D.

    My son and grandson are visiting

    This one is a year or so old.
  20. Larry D.

    My son and grandson are visiting

    Yes, I don't know if rain would kill the blower but I'm not taking any chances. :giggle:

